How To Deal With A Bad Fencing Contractor

We have talked a lot and written articles on the tell-tale signs that the fencing contractor you are considering may not be the right one for you.   One of these is searching the Better Bussiness Bureau for their list of accredited fencing contractors in London, Ontario. But what if you realize too late that you have a bad contractor on your hands?    Mind you, the contractor will act faultlessly while negotiating the contract and only start to show their true colours after you have paid them a deposit. Here are some common scenarios of contractor trouble:   The contractor no longer picks your calls The pace of the work is slower than agreed The contractor seems to have abandoned the work The contractor is negligent and damages property The quality of the work is poor   What To Do With a Bad Fencing Contractor   Unfortunately, a contractor that suddenly doesn’t pick up calls after you have paid them may mean you have been scammed. It is common that you will hold up hope the contractor will pitch up soon ready to start work. But if you don’t hear from them a week after paying them, take decisive steps to recover your money.    A good place to start looking for a contractor who has disappeared on you is the local fencing contractors association or registration board. If you can track them down, start legal action to recover your money. Otherwise, report the matter to the police. In the other cases, here’s what you can do:     1. Discuss your concerns with the contractor   Some contractor issues can be talked over. At times a contractor may simply not have understood the design brief and neglected some fence features you are particularly keen on. If you catch this early and raise it with the contractor, they may be able to fix them and avoid costly remedial work later.   Other times you will realize too late that the work was not done according to the contract agreement. Still, try not to be confrontational and raise your concerns calmly. If the work deviates too far from what you agreed in the contract, the contractor has to take responsibility and be willing to settle it in a way that pleases you.    If a dispute arises, be prepared to sue. Hopefully, the contract had enough protection for you against this eventuality. Either way, seek the guidance of a lawyer.   2. Fire the contractor   In cases where the standard of the work is so poor you can’t let the contractor continue, you may have to fire them. Similarly, if the contractor is taking too long to finish work, you may have to get another to finish the work.   Should you have to fire the fencing contractor for poor workmanship, expect that they will fight back. So be sure that the contractor has breached the contract you signed with them. Where you are unhappy with the pace of the work, it helps if you had a timeline written into the contract.   3. File a claim on their surety bond   In cases of poor workmanship, another viable avenue for recourse is to file a claim on the contractor’s surety bond. This is why they have it and why they reference it when bidding for work. Get a copy of the contractor’s surety bond and file a claim against it.   Where the contractor damaged property, take pictures and collect other evidence that can help your case if the matter can’t be resolved between yourselves and you have to sue. If the contractor has an insurance policy against property damage, it may help keep you out of court.   Suing Your Fencing Contractor In London, ON   It’s possible you will exhaust all options for an amicable resolution to a contract dispute. If you had hired an unlicensed contractor, the licensing board may refuse to mediate your case. The courts may be your last option.    The law in Ontario allows you to sue your fencing contractor for an unfulfilled contract. Your success with this route, however, depends on the merits of your case and on the terms you had agreed in the contract.    When you sue for poor workmanship, know that you have to do it in stages, starting with sending a complaint, collecting evidence, and going for arbitration with the professional body the contractor is registered with. When all fails to produce a resolution, you can then approach the courts where it can still go either way.   Jay Fencing is an experienced, fully bonded fencing contractor serving London, Ontario. We do it right the first time. Contact us today to discuss your fencing requirements.

Soaring Lumber Prices In Canada: Causes, Effects, And The Outlook

  Lumber prices in Canada have risen more than 170 percent in the last six months. With the soaring demand for new houses and the growing numbers of homeowners planning remodels, fencing, and other home improvement projects, prices are not expected to settle back to pre-pandemic levels anytime soon.   It’s not just the price of lumber that can’t stop rising. Other wood products are getting more expensive with every passing week. What’s also remarkable is that buyers don’t seem too concerned with the record-breaking price hikes because mills are struggling to fill orders.   Rising Lumber Prices Driving Building and Renovation Costs Up     All the price hikes have made it more expensive to build and renovate houses. The runaway prices may also be indirectly spurring demand for new housing units in a market where demand was already outstripping supply.    Because the ever-rising prices are making it difficult to cost projects and price new housing units, many developers have chosen to develop and sell in blocks. That means even fewer units are making it to market, which pushes demand even more.   At some point, builders will have to pass on the cost of all these price hikes to the consumers. That will mean higher home prices. In fact, that’s already happened. Builders say the high lumber prices have added between $8,000 and $10,000 to the cost of building a single-family home in Canada.   About that board-on-board wooden fence, deck, or pergola you had planned for this year’s building season, the sky-rocketing prices mean you have to revise your budget upwards. Hopefully, that won’t kill the project. But what has caused the crazy price situation in the building materials market? What Is Causing Lumber Prices to Soar?   The simpler explanation for the stunning rise in lumber prices is that supply can’t keep up with demand. But with prices as wild as they are, the question demands further investigation. Let’s consider some possible causes: Low-interest Rates   In its efforts to help the economy recover from the ravaging effects of the Covid-19 pandemic, the Bank of Canada has maintained a low 0.25% benchmark interest rate. As the red hot housing market has shown, that wasn’t the right bet.   The pandemic did not discourage people from investing in new homes nor from improving their existing ones. Many were more than prepared to dip into their savings in spite of the economic uncertainty caused by the pandemic.   In the housing market, the low-interest regime has, in fact, worked too well. So well that the bank has now flagged the urban markets of Toronto, Hamilton, and Montreal for what it has called ‘exuberance’ in their housing markets.   The low-interest rates have spurred unprecedented borrowing in the housing market, which has seen house prices rising sharply. Still, demand for new homes has not slowed.    People are, in fact, taking on more debt to buy the ever more expensive houses. According to the Bank of Canada, this is debt that most of the borrowers can’t afford. The central bank is so concerned that it has warned that interest rates will not stay low forever. For now, though, interest rates and borrowing costs will remain low and the demand for lumber and its prices will stay high.   We have blamed so much on Covid-19 that it’s become a reflex action. So why not shift blame for the rising prices of lumber onto the pandemic? Unfortunately the pandemic has to take the rap again, in more ways than one:   The Work From Home Craze Has Spurred Demand For More Spacious Homes       The stay-at-home orders the government resorted to as a way of containing spiraling Covid-19 virus infections in the first quarter of 2020 forced many people to work from home.    Suddenly homes that had been adequate as living quarters no longer cut it as places of work. Many either had to renovate and make their homes more work-friendly or upgrade to newer, more spacious homes.   Working from home proved so successful that many people made up their minds to not go back to working from the corporate office again. Many of the big tech companies have since announced they will allow some of their staff to continue working from home post-pandemic. All the more reason to make the home more comfortable, which means more home renovations and greater demand for lumber and other building materials. Covid-enforced Mill Closures       The surge in demand for lumber would not have led to such a steep rise in prices if the supply side hadn’t run into challenges. At the beginning of the Covid lockdowns, lumber mills effectively shut down. The construction industry as a whole ground to a halt because of that and other Covid-related reasons.   When the economy opened again, many mills didn’t immediately ramp up production, worried that rising unemployment would sap demand. It didn’t and from then on the industry has been playing catch-up.   Demand for construction materials and lumber, in particular, didn’t suffer as feared. Soon it was outstripping supply. With not enough product to meet demand, prices were always going to rise. While most mills are now operating at full capacity, demand is still outpacing supply.    It is not like mills can cut more trees to feed the excess demand. Annual allowable cut rules mean there is only so much wood mills can process and bring to market in a given year. So there is not going to be a major improvement in supply this year, even as lumber mills and dealers are eager to make the most of the prevailing high prices.    Will Lumber Prices Come Down In 2021?   The current outlook is that the only way lumber prices will be going this year is up. The current warmer weather means there will be more lumber making its way to dealers. That will help contain demand. But in all likelihood, it

9 Christmas Decoration Ideas: How to Dress Up Your Backyard for Xmas

If you have to say so yourself, your living room is looking super festive, with that fabulously bedecked Christmas tree standing in the corner.    But there is one area you have likely left to the last minute to decorate. It’s your yard.    Save for a colorfully decorated wreath on the front door, your yard is looking anything but festive.    Your deck looks rather plain, and so does your pergola, and your whole backyard, if truth be told.   Santa won’t be too impressed. But not to panic, there is still time. Here are cheap but tasteful yard Christmas decorations to bring festive cheer to your home, starting with the mailbox:   Letterbox Christmas Decorations   As far as holidays go, you wouldn’t immediately think of your mailbox, but that’s exactly where you should start.    Not only is your letterbox the first thing your visitors see, but a cheerfully decorated letterbox is an enduring Christmas tradition and something that will be sure to melt even Santa’s heart.   Not sure where to start decorating your letterbox? We have got a few ideas:   1. Give Your ‘Letters to Santa’ Mailbox a Fresh Coat of Paint   If you have a dedicated ‘letters to Santa’ letterbox sitting somewhere in your garage, it’s time to dust it up for a fresh makeover.    After a quick dust-down, give the old mailbox a fresh coat of paint. You could paint it a color you prefer, but brilliant white and the traditional Christmas red always work a treat.    With the mailbox painted all white, give it a cheerful contrast by inscribing ‘letters to Santa’ in red across the front.   2. Add Colorful Swag to Your Mailbox   Christmas mailbox swags are an old holiday decor idea that never disappoints. You could buy the swag ready-made, or you could make your own.    For your DIY Christmas mailbox decoration, you will need fresh pine swag, which is nothing more than fresh pine cuttings joined by some craft floral wire and made to drape either side of the mailbox.   You will also need:   Shatterproof Christmas balls Ribbon and a couple of pre-made bows Artificial white and red mums flowers Some glue   For the tools, you will need wire cutters, a glue gun, and scissors. Here’s a nice video tutorial on how to bring everything together.   Driveway Gate Christmas Decorations   With your mailbox looking festive, you should make sure your driveway gate looks bang on-theme, too.    3. Double Wreaths for your Bi-parting Swing Driveway Gate     Evergreen wreaths, with a touch of red, are a familiar sight on driveways during the festive period. That’s because they always add tasteful decor cred to your home.   Wreaths work best on bi-parting swing gates. And instead of one wreath, make one for each gate leaf placed centrally and towards the top of the gate.    If yours is a sliding gate, hanging the wreaths directly on the gate will be impractical. Instead, fix them to the pillars on either side of the gate. They will look just as festive.    And for something off-beat:   4. Repurpose Old, Empty Picture Frames Into Colourful Wreaths   You have likely spent a lot of money already on Christmas gifts and decorations. This holiday display trick could save you a few bucks.   Look around your garage for empty picture frames you no longer use and repurpose them into wreaths to hang on your driveway gate.    To fashion the disused picture frames into real show-stoppers, select a few good ones and paint them into different colors.    Paint a couple in white, some in red, and a few others in bright colors of your choosing.    Decorate them as you would your standard wreaths, with red ribbon, and fresh pine cuttings and cones. Then hang them on your gate in any configuration you desire.   Gazebo and pergola Christmas decorations   Weather permitting, you should take your Christmas celebrations outside this year, if only for some time.    As there is likely to be above normal snowfall in Southern Ontario this Christmas, you should still want to be protected from the elements.    We suggest fastening a canvas cloth over your pergola and using the ideas below to turn it into a winter wonderland.      If you own a gazebo, the covered roof will give you better protection from the weather.   5. Light Up the Pergola/Gazebo With Christmas Lights     With some weather protection, your pergola is the perfect outdoor space to enjoy your Christmas dinner. We bet you would also relish the experience of opening your Christmas gifts under the stars.   A fun idea is to arrange some cozy seating, with plenty of plush cushions around the Christmas tree placed in the center of the pergola or gazebo. You will also want to make sure the space is as bright as day, with plenty of lighting.    Hang strings of icicle lights right around the pergola, making sure the light strings hang down to the floor. For even more pop-out cheer, wrap light strings around the pergola’s corner posts.   6. Glowing Wreaths and Garland for a Pop of Colour     Wreaths and garlands really are the utility Christmas decor items. Wherever you hang them, they always look the part.    For something understated, opt for a glowing garland wrapped around the pergola’s posts and under the beams.    As you should also do with the garland, wrap stretches of light strings right around your wreaths. The lights make sure the fresh green color of the greenery and the red decorations come alive in spite of the dark. Deck Christmas Decorations If you have invested in a deck, this is another perfect outdoor place to decorate for the holidays. Here are a few ideas:   7. Take the Christmas Tree Out to the Deck Have you likely always celebrated Christmas indoors? If

Fencing In Cambridge: Who To Trust For The Best Fences

‘A good neighbor is a fellow who smiles at you over the back fence but doesn’t climb over it’ – Arthur Baer.      Perhaps putting perspective on Mr. Baer’s standard for neighborliness, Rober Frost made this now-famous statement, ‘good fences make good neighbors’.   At Jay Fencing we couldn’t agree more with the two wise gentlemen. Our work fencing houses and commercial properties around Cambridge has taught us that to keep the peace with your neighbors, it is best (and easier) to not give conflict a chance.   We believe that you make your own neighbors. That a weak fence that’s easy to breach encourages burglars and intruders. Likewise, a fence that offers no privacy invites the attention of neighbors and passersby, unable to resist stealing a glance at you stretching about in your backyard.   The security, privacy, and your whole property’s look is a product of the quality of your fence. It is also to a large extent determined by your choice of the fencing contractor.   Why Cambridge Property Owners Trust Jay Fencing    We are not the only fencing contractor in Cambridge or indeed in Ontario. So why should you choose us over the others?   We can list many reasons why choosing Jay Fencing to fence your property is a smart decision. But we can’t think of one that’s more important than our experience. Experience can’t be bought or faked. It’s either you have fence X number of properties over a span of Y years, or you haven’t.    We have been serving Southern Ontario for decades, honing our craft and perfecting our systems one fencing project after another. Because we have already served our apprenticeship, you won’t have to pay for our on-the-job training with your own security.    It is the quality and length of our experience that gives us the confidence to attach a guarantee to our work: Our two-year quality guarantee is a show of confidence and trust in our own work   We probably wouldn’t be promising to repair your fence at no charge if it fails within two years of us installing it if we didn’t think it will hold up for that long.   We guarantee our work because we value quality craftsmanship. We want you to have absolute confidence that your new fence investment will pay off.    To show you that we put our money where our mouths are, we will repair your fence if it fails because of poor welding, peeling paint, or any other defects that hint at poor craftsmanship.    Between you and us, we would rather not work free of charge and, to avoid that, we simply do it right the first time. Two years is a long time, so why are we so confident in our services? We were fence technicians before anything else   We have since expanded our installation services to include gazebos, decks, gates, enclosures, railings, and privacy screens among other home improvement services. But fencing is where we cut our teeth.    To Jay Fencing, fencing is not an added service or something we added to diversify and recession-proof the business. We started in fencing because it’s what we knew how to do best.    We have watched as vinyl fences grew in popularity and can rightly claim to have been one of the fencing material’s early proponents. We are just as experienced with other fences, whether they are board-on-board privacy fences or chain-link fences.    Name any type of fence and we will point you to a home in Cambridge where you can go and review our work in person. You can leverage our experience to get a secure fence that will frame your property for the best curb appeal. Enjoy your well-manicured yard in perfect seclusion (and security)   It matters little that your home is beautiful if you don’t feel secure in it. Or that your yard is well-tended if you can’t enjoy it without the prying glare of neighbors. A good fence will complete your home into a secure suburban oasis that your family and pets can enjoy.   But all this begins with your selection of a fence builder in Cambridge. Jay Fencing offers a variety of fencing solutions that are perfectly customized to your security, privacy, and aesthetic needs.   When you choose Jay Fencing to install your fence, expect the following: A breakdown of the materials you need and our reasons for our recommendations, If the job entails replacing an old fence, we will assess the existing fence and tell you what materials can be salvaged for recycling, A realistic time budget for how long the fencing job will take, A clear statement on what warranties and guarantees you should expect, A clear written agreement on payment, including terms and plans (where applicable).   Ready to get started with your fencing project?    Jay fencing is a leading fencing contractor with a strong reputation and a growing list of satisfied customers in Cambridge, ON. Contact us below to discuss your project.

How Do You Take Care Of A New Wood Deck?

As an extension of your living space, and an area you are likely to be spending a lot of your family time, your new wooden deck needs to look clean and sanitary, and feel stable for as long as possible.    It also helps if your deck can look new for longer, both for your family and the many friends you will be hosting and entertaining there. In other words, you want to maximize your new deck investment.    On this page, you will learn tips on how to take care of your new wood deck. We will also answer the most pertinent questions new deck owners ask on deck maintenance.   Deck maintenance tips: How to keep your wood deck looking new     If you don’t properly care for it, your wood deck will rot and break down long before it has to. A neglected deck also exposes your family and friends to the risk of injury.   Here are tips on how to maintain your new deck so it looks its best for longer:   1. Sweep your deck regularly to remove dead leaves    It sounds obvious that you should work out a cleaning schedule for your new deck to maintain its looks. But it is important to know that some types of dirt have a more damaging effect on your deck than others.   If you have tall trees around the vicinity of your deck, it is a given that you are going to have a lot of dead leaves falling onto your deck. Normally that shouldn’t be a big problem. But if your climate is wet and humid, dead leaves allowed to collect and sit – especially in the corners – will start to rot.    Rotting leaves will leave unsightly spots on your deck that will be hard to remove.    Even worse, if the rotted leaves are left uncleaned for too long, the wooden boards underneath will start to rot too. When that happens, it is not only the deck’s looks you will be worrying about. The deck may become unstable, putting the safety of everyone who uses it at risk.   When cleaning your deck, use a blower to remove both dead leaves, debris, as well as dust. Make sure to remove all dirt stuck between deck boards and to reach well into the corners.   2. Keep your new deck free of clutter   Cleaning and maintaining your deck becomes a challenge if there is clutter everywhere. If you have chosen to furnish it, make sure everything is kept tidy and orderly.   Make sure to move your couches, daybeds, and other furniture you keep on the deck every time you clean. Decluttering also makes the deck a safer place to lounge and to entertain guests.   3. Stain your new deck to prevent sun bleaching      We generally stain the wood to get the colour of shade we prefer. But for decks, in particular, wood stains have an aesthetic as well as a protective function.    But it’s important to note that staining your deck only protects it from sun damage. Staining offers minimal if any protection where moisture damage is concerned.   However, there are products that combine both staining and sealing qualities. This means you only apply once and your deck will be protected from both sun and moisture damage.   That said, sealants that contain a stain or pigment do not always produce the most pleasing results. The stain isn’t always uniform. So do a test first by applying to a small area to see if the result is what you are looking for.   4. Apply a sealant to protect your new deck from rot   Wood, unfortunately, is susceptible to damage by the elements. The most damaging of these is moisture from rain, which causes rot, mold, and mildew.    Rot destroys wood, ruining both your deck’s looks and structural integrity. So it’s important to waterproof your deck to prevent it from rotting. The best way to do this by applying a sealant.    If you are going to stain your wood deck, it’s best to do that before applying a sealant. But if you prefer your deck in your chosen wood’s natural shade, you can go ahead and apply the sealant. The deck will still be just as protected.   Sealants have a viscous consistency that seals the wood grain and prevents moisture from seeping in. So if you’re asking, yes, you do need to seal your new deck. But you shouldn’t do it immediately after installation.    In fact, there is a good reason to wait it out: How long should you wait to treat a new deck?     For new decks, it is best to wait for the preservative on your wooden decking to weather out before applying sealant. That normally takes 30 days.    Why should you wait 30 days before treating your new deck? Because preservatives used on the wood prevent sealant from properly penetrating and adhering to the wood.    You should do a moisture test to know when to seal your new deck. Splash some water on the deck and see if it beads up or soaks into the wood. If it beads up, the deck is not ready. And if the water absorbs into the wood, the deck is ready to seal.   For the best results, wait until the deck is well dried and free of dust and dirt before sealing. You will not be able to clear any spots or dirt marks you seal over unless you sand the decking first.   Is it better to stain or paint a deck?   Besides applying a sealant, you can also apply a deck paint, although it does not work as best as a sealant will.    Basically, you want a sealant that will absorb into the wood and treat it from inside and not one that forms a film on the surface.

Good Fences Start With The Right Contractor

When choosing a fence for your suburban property, between looks and security, what do you consider to be most important? At Jay Fencing, we believe you don’t have to sacrifice curb appeal for security, or vice versa. The right fence will offer the exact level of security, aesthetic appeal, privacy, or whatever attribute matters to you. In this regard, the right fence for a given property is a function of many factors. As you will see later, merely selecting a type of fence over another does not mean you will get the right quality fence. The fencing contractor you choose from the many that call Waterloo home is the foundation a good fence is built on.   Prioritize the fence qualities that matter to you     Your property is not quite complete without a fence. You may have a feeling of being too exposed. The property itself may look plain, devoid of a wow factor. Or, you may be concerned with the lack of privacy.   So, considering the above concerns, a fence will look like the perfect solution. And it will be. But you can easily get a fence that, though secure, is as plain as the house and offers little privacy. Chain-link fences fit that description.    If privacy and aesthetics aren’t that important to you, perhaps because yours is a commercial property, a chain-link fence will work just fine. As security will likely be important, these fences deliver on that, too.   Some fences look as good and last as long as they are well-maintained As a property owner, you may be more concerned with security, looks, and privacy, but as an experienced fence installer, we have learned to appreciate that the durability and maintenance of the fence are just as important.    On the projects where we have been contracted to replace broken, corroded, and collapsed fences, a common thread we have picked is the frustration that property owners have with fences that flattered to deceive.    We have learned that a fence may not return the expected long use-life, not because of poor quality materials, but because of a lack of maintenance. This is true for wood fences that have to be resealed and vanished regularly. Of course, there are fencing materials, like vinyl that require very little if any maintenance.   The right fence does not have to cost a fortune Despite all we know about secure, good-looking fences that offer enough privacy, why do homeowners end up with fences that barely deliver on these qualities?   The answer supposedly has to do with the budget. But the budget isn’t entirely the challenge. A chain-link fence can offer acceptable privacy and score just as high on the aesthetic scale. All it takes is some imagination and creativity.   For example, you can easily dress up your plain-looking, see-through chain-link fence by planting some flowering vines through it. With keen maintenance, the vines can transform the fence into a head-turner that offers complete privacy.   The appearance of wood can work as well as the real thing Wood fences are popular for a reason. They have a natural charm and warmth that is hard to beat. Sustainable and natural, wood is an opaque fencing material that guarantees privacy and security.    While wood fences are good-looking, they come with a huge maintenance burden. Without regular maintenance, they will not look as good for long and will rot and fall apart in no time. Hardwoods produce stronger fences, but they come with a suitably prohibitive price tag.   If you like the look and privacy quality of wood, perhaps you don’t necessarily have to install a wooden fence. A vinyl fence can give you the look you are after, without the burden of heavy maintenance. It will last many times longer, too.   Vinyl manufacturing technology has advanced so much that you can get realistic-looking wood-like vinyl fences in any shade you like. It is indestructible by wood’s archnemeses, termites and rot. Remarkably fire-resistant, vinyl is an install-and-forget fencing material every busy homeowner will love.   Admittedly, vinyl costs more than wood. But that’s when you only consider the cost of materials without lifetime care and maintenance costs. When you factor in all the costs and its remarkable durability, vinyl is likely much cheaper than wood and other fencing materials.   Why choosing the right fence installer matters in Waterloo A fence is as secure and durable as the quality of its installation. All the hard work of choosing the right fence type and material for your type of property and security needs can be undone by choosing an inexperienced fence installer.   Beyond qualifications and professional memberships, choosing a local contractor is acutely important. An experienced local contractor will know Waterloo’s codes and fencing regulations and isn’t going to install a fence that is taller than what is allowed for your area.   The City of Waterloo regulates fence installation based on the yard or property type. The fence bylaw places restrictions on fence height depending on whether it is a corner or interior lot. It also lays out specific guidelines for Driveway Visibility Triangle (DVT) and Daylight Visibility Triangle (DLVT).   Failure to meet fence bylaw regulations may attract a fine on top of being asked to take the fence down. So choosing an experienced local fencing contractor who is well-versed with local bylaws will help you avoid unnecessary headaches and costs. Choose Jay Fencing for the best fence installation services in Waterloo, ON.   It is not enough to look up a fencing contractor online and reading reviews left on their website. To be sure they are as good as they claim to be, it is best to check out, in person, the projects they have done.    Looking at a prospective contractor’s work up close helps you decide if the quality of their work fits well with your expectations. Do their fences hold up? What do their former clients have

How Many Years Should a Wooden Deck Last?

  Your choice of wood as the decking material for your new deck is not a peculiar one. Many homeowners prefer wooden decking for its warm, tactile feel and variety of hues that appeal to a wide range of tastes.   As the only renewable building material, choosing wood for your decking is also good for the environment. Lumber also uses much less energy to mill than it takes to produce other building materials.   With that said, deck durability is a genuine concern with people who choose wood as their decking material. How well can it withstand sun and moisture damage? Just how long does a wood deck last?   What Is The Life Expectancy of a Wood Deck?   Your wooden deck’s life expectancy is a function of the type of wood you choose, the quality of the deck’s construction, its maintenance, and how well you protect it from moisture and sun damage.   By choosing Jay Fencing as your contractor for the wood deck project, you can be confident your deck will be well made, secure, and will spot a design that catches the eye.    As a decking material, wood is fairly long-lasting, especially if it’s pressure treated, which is what we recommend. With regular maintenance, we can give your wood deck a life expectancy of up to 15 years. For how well it boosts your property’s curb appeal and expands its livable space, that represents a fair return on your investment.   It’s also worth mentioning that wood decking comes in a range of options, all of which come with their unique qualities. That does mean, too, that some types of wood aren’t strong enough to use as decking material. You have to consider your choices carefully.   What Is The Best Wood for Decking?   Wood’s aesthetic qualities are undoubted. But for its suitability as a decking material, the type of wood you choose has to pass the durability test. Unless pressure-treated, softwoods are prone to rot and sun bleaching that you will not enjoy your deck for long before it falls apart.   After pressure-treated softwoods, which is the most popular, redwood and cedar are your two most viable decking options. Redwood is a durable, good looking decking material that will keep its shape, maintain its looks, and stay safe to use for up to 25 years. It is stable, does not warp, and makes a great option. The only wrinkle is it doesn’t come cheap.   In terms of maintenance, with the periodic reapplication of a sealer and regular cleaning, redwood will last the longest. Cedar, on the other hand, isn’t as hardy. Technically a softwood, the wood tends to splinter and is not as strong as redwood. But its natural resistance to rot is a redeeming quality.   As soft as it is, cedar won’t do well as your main decking material. However, if you use it for the guard rails that don’t have to support a lot of weight, it offers a good way to bring down the overall cost of your deck, especially if you are using the pricier redwood.   When Should I Replace My Wooden Deck?   With proper care and maintenance, you can enjoy long and reliable service from your wooden deck. But it will not last forever. At some point, you will have to replace the deck, either because of a tired, weathered look or weakening structural strength.   It is possible to extend your wooden deck’s life by replacing worn boards with new ones. That said, your deck is only as strong as the structure that supports it. For this reason, take care to regularly inspect your deck for structural damage on the posts and guard rails.   Signs that a wood deck’s best days are behind it include wood rot, noticeable damage and excessive wear, loose boards, rusted hardware, and loose railings.    And even without noticeable damage or structural instability, after 15 years of consistent use, your deck will eventually start to look its age. That will be a good time to invest in a new wood deck.   Jay Fencing is an experienced contractor for decks and other outdoor wooden structures. We have completed many projects throughout Kitchener-Waterloo, Guelph, Mississauga, Toronto, Hamilton and all of Southern Ontario.   We are excited you are considering adding a wood deck to your property and are happy to guide you through the many deck design and construction options available. Contact us today for a free consultation.

Pergolas Make The Perfect Father’s Day Gift For The Outdoorsy Dad

Pergolas Make The Perfect Father’s Day Gift For The Outdoorsy Dad It’s father’s day, the one day of the year specially marked to celebrate the relationship between fathers and their children. And the best way to honor and toast this special day is with a gift.    As always, we want our gifts to important people in our lives to be thoughtful and special. Often, we overthink it and wait until the last minute to buy the gift. But if your father is the outdoorsy type (all the fathers we know are), we have the perfect gift to save father’s day for you.   A pergola will make the perfect father’s day gift.   Pergolas Are The Perfect Excuse To Spend Time Outdoors   As we get older, we naturally get contemplative and frequently prefer the peace and serenity of the outdoors. Fathers in particular often escape to the quiet seclusion of their backyards. This makes a pergola the ideal gift for an outdoorsy father.   Help him entertain like a boss   A pergola will give your dad some outdoor living space and the perfect opportunity to show off cherished tools. Think of that grill he loves to bring out when he invites his mates over. Add a few chairs and cushions for comfortable seating, and he has something akin to an outdoor man cave.   With an investment in a few more braai tools and furniture, your dad’s pergola will be his own kitchen, where he can call the shots.    A sheltered space from which to enjoy his garden   On the days he just wants to sit and enjoy his drink without company, your pergola gift will be the place your father thinks to escape to.    Does your father have a green thumb?   We will assume the answer is yes. Of which you will know he enjoys nothing more than tending his green patch. If he is retired, you bet he spends most of his time out there nursing seedlings, planting, pulling weeds, pruning, trellising his plants, and fighting pests.    In between all the grunt work, which we are sure is anything but that for him, your father is seating somewhere comfortable enjoying the fruit of his sweat. Why not give him a space he can enjoy sitting in?    As far as gift ideas for one who enjoys the outdoors go, pergolas are the bees’ knees.   A pergola is a relatively affordable gift to spoil your dad with. If you choose Jay’s Fencing as your contractor, it is very quick to build, too. We can have it up in a few hours.    To surprise him, create a distraction by taking your dad out for a meal at his favorite restaurant. If he assumes it, let him believe the meal treat is his father’s day gift. He will want to appear grateful and take his time enjoying the meal. All the while we are finessing his real gift.    But, what if he already has a pergola at his home? What To Gift A Father Who Already Owns A Pergola? Thankfully, there are many things you can do to dress up and furnish the pergola to suit your dad’s tastes and improve its functionality. You can dress it up to add more shade and make it more livable.    If it’s looking dated, sanding, staining, and resealing it will give it a new lease of life. Basically, though,  you want to update it to make it more inviting and feel like home. Cool the pergola with latticed wooden curtains Adding timber lattice curtains will bring a bit more privacy and add shade to the pergola without blocking the view of the garden. It isn’t too pretty to make the space less manly than your father may prefer.    If your dad chooses to, the latticed sides will also provide a perfect trellis on which to train climbing plants he may want to grow to add even more shade to the pergola. Fastening a removable awning is another cool idea that adds shade and cools down the pergola in the hot summer heat. Add more seating space with a swing bench Help your dad reminisce about his childhood days, perhaps with his grandkids for company, by outfitting his pergola with a swing wooden bench. A good woodshop can fashion one with chains.    A swing bench provides comfortable seating for him to enjoy some company, or to lose himself in a good book if he prefers that. It is a playful yet thoughtful gift that your old man will appreciate.  Light it up for night use   If he likes to entertain, adding some lighting (a rustic chandelier is a fun idea) and a dining table will turn your outdoorsy dad’s pergola into an alfresco sanctuary. It will allow him to host intimate dinners outside.   We can think of many other ways to add shade, function, and style and make your father’s pergola the perfect nook for lounging and entertaining. Plants, for example, add life to any space, so hanging a few planters around the pergola is always a thoughtful idea. Gift Your Dad Something He Will Actually Use  Your father will likely receive a lot of gifts from all the loved ones in his life. Some of these gifts will inevitably not be used that much. But yours will be because he can’t ignore it. It is right there in his face every time he steps out of the house.   Pergolas are bang on trend as well. They are an easy way to accent your backyard and expand your father’s living space and a great way to add value and beauty to any property.    For a dad who loves to cozy up in his backyard, especially in this age of social distancing, a pergola makes a fabulous present to gift and celebrate your dad this father’s day.   Now that you have the perfect father’s day gift

You can rely on the knowledge and experience of Jay Fencing Ltd. Feel confident that we will recommend only the fencing that meets your specific needs and budget.

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