How To Maintain A Wood Fence [Guide]

  An heirloom wooden table, dresser, or rocking chair can all be restored to look as good as new and ready for the next generation. All it needs is a lick of paint or varnish. But there is very little you can do to restore a wooden fence battered by years of rain and extreme heat.   The ravages of weather notwithstanding, wood fences can still last a reasonably long time. With the right care and maintenance, your board-on-board, picket, or split rail fence can endure the adverse effects of weather for up to 15 years, looking as good as only wood fences can.   The Importance Of Regular Maintenance For Your Wood Fence   How do you extend the life of your wood fence and get maximum value from it? You do so through regular maintenance.    Wood is a natural material. Among its qualities is an ability to blend in with most decor styles. As a fencing material, it can be machined into any design you can think of. That and wood’s warm tones give wood fences oodles of character and great popularity among homeowners.   Sadly wood isn’t very strong. If exposed to moisture for long periods of time, wood fences will rot rather quickly and not last as long. Insect damage also becomes an issue, especially if the wood used is untreated.   Exposing your wood fence to excessive heat and sunlight without the right protection is also just as bad. Direct sunlight will bleach wood of its natural colour. Other effects of weather damage include warping, bowing, and cracking. None of them look good on your fence.   So your greatest enemy as far as the upkeep of your wood fence is concerned is the weather. But it isn’t the only one. You also have to mind the effect of normal wear and tear, which can also diminish the look of your fence.   While the prospect of a fence that maintains its looks for as long as possible is a great perk for regularly caring for your wood fence, there is another important benefit. A fence with rotted posts, splintered boards, and entire sections that are leaning dangerously to one is a safety risk for your family and passersby.   A well-maintained wood fence also does a better job of keeping intruders out and securing your property. It will also ensure your property retains its resale value, guaranteeing you a good price should you ever decide to sell up.   We have established that the best way to prolong the life of your wood fence is by following a regular maintenance regime. But what does that maintenance entail?   How To Maintain Your Wood Fence   Maintaining a wood fence to look its best for long requires dedication. In many ways, it is a labour of love. Here are tips to make your job easier:   1. Clean It     For the same effect they have on general appearance, dirt can harbour moisture and insects, two of your wooden fence’s biggest threats. While the fix is obvious, many property owners struggle to keep up with the cleaning when faced with a long fence.   There are cleaners specially formulated for wood. If you can, choose one that is not toxic to the environment. Before you start cleaning, though, make sure to remove leaves and other dead plant matter.   Follow the manufacturer’s guidelines for using the wood cleaner. That said, they mostly work the same way. You apply it over the wood surface.    Start from the bottom and work your way up, making sure to reach into the corners and crevices. Use a small brush to get the cleaner into the hard-to-reach areas. After waiting the recommended time, wash the cleaner down with a pressure washer.   Be careful with pressure washers, especially if the fence is damaged and weak in some sections. In trying to clean the fence you could damage it or cause injuries if it happens to collapse.   Power-washing a wood fence has the effect of stripping it of any stain you may have used to protect it. So make sure to restain it, but wait until the fence has completely dried.   2. Protect It       The foundation of any wood fence maintenance regime is by protecting it against weather and insect damage. Without this protection, your fence will neither keep its looks nor last very long.   Whether it is soaking rain, deep snow, or blazing sun, the effects of the weather can be mitigated. In terms of rot, the trick is to stop the wood from absorbing moisture. Applying moisture repelling, oil-based wood stain is the best way of doing this.   The stain will seal the surface of the wood and stop it from absorbing the moisture that causes it to rot and discolour. If it’s a fresh installation, make sure to stain the fence as soon as you can.    If it isn’t a newly installed fence, you will need to clean it before you apply the stain. Apply at least two coats of stain, giving each 12 hours to dry before applying another coat. To apply the seal, either use a brush or spray.   Applying an oil-based stain will protect your wood fence from rot caused by moisture. But how do you prevent the sun bleaching caused by excessive sunlight?    Applying a stain will help, but choosing one with a UV inhibitor that’s specially formulated to prevent sun bleaching will work best. Stains are also available in a variety of colours, so choose one that matches the wood and the overall property.    The best form of protection against insect damage is by using the right wood right at the beginning. Instead of using regular pine wood, choose pressure-treated pine, which is fortified to protect against wood-eating insects.    The posts especially are highly susceptible to insects and moisture. So at least use pressure-treated wood for these

How To Deal With A Bad Fencing Contractor

We have talked a lot and written articles on the tell-tale signs that the fencing contractor you are considering may not be the right one for you.   One of these is searching the Better Bussiness Bureau for their list of accredited fencing contractors in London, Ontario. But what if you realize too late that you have a bad contractor on your hands?    Mind you, the contractor will act faultlessly while negotiating the contract and only start to show their true colours after you have paid them a deposit. Here are some common scenarios of contractor trouble:   The contractor no longer picks your calls The pace of the work is slower than agreed The contractor seems to have abandoned the work The contractor is negligent and damages property The quality of the work is poor   What To Do With a Bad Fencing Contractor   Unfortunately, a contractor that suddenly doesn’t pick up calls after you have paid them may mean you have been scammed. It is common that you will hold up hope the contractor will pitch up soon ready to start work. But if you don’t hear from them a week after paying them, take decisive steps to recover your money.    A good place to start looking for a contractor who has disappeared on you is the local fencing contractors association or registration board. If you can track them down, start legal action to recover your money. Otherwise, report the matter to the police. In the other cases, here’s what you can do:     1. Discuss your concerns with the contractor   Some contractor issues can be talked over. At times a contractor may simply not have understood the design brief and neglected some fence features you are particularly keen on. If you catch this early and raise it with the contractor, they may be able to fix them and avoid costly remedial work later.   Other times you will realize too late that the work was not done according to the contract agreement. Still, try not to be confrontational and raise your concerns calmly. If the work deviates too far from what you agreed in the contract, the contractor has to take responsibility and be willing to settle it in a way that pleases you.    If a dispute arises, be prepared to sue. Hopefully, the contract had enough protection for you against this eventuality. Either way, seek the guidance of a lawyer.   2. Fire the contractor   In cases where the standard of the work is so poor you can’t let the contractor continue, you may have to fire them. Similarly, if the contractor is taking too long to finish work, you may have to get another to finish the work.   Should you have to fire the fencing contractor for poor workmanship, expect that they will fight back. So be sure that the contractor has breached the contract you signed with them. Where you are unhappy with the pace of the work, it helps if you had a timeline written into the contract.   3. File a claim on their surety bond   In cases of poor workmanship, another viable avenue for recourse is to file a claim on the contractor’s surety bond. This is why they have it and why they reference it when bidding for work. Get a copy of the contractor’s surety bond and file a claim against it.   Where the contractor damaged property, take pictures and collect other evidence that can help your case if the matter can’t be resolved between yourselves and you have to sue. If the contractor has an insurance policy against property damage, it may help keep you out of court.   Suing Your Fencing Contractor In London, ON   It’s possible you will exhaust all options for an amicable resolution to a contract dispute. If you had hired an unlicensed contractor, the licensing board may refuse to mediate your case. The courts may be your last option.    The law in Ontario allows you to sue your fencing contractor for an unfulfilled contract. Your success with this route, however, depends on the merits of your case and on the terms you had agreed in the contract.    When you sue for poor workmanship, know that you have to do it in stages, starting with sending a complaint, collecting evidence, and going for arbitration with the professional body the contractor is registered with. When all fails to produce a resolution, you can then approach the courts where it can still go either way.   Jay Fencing is an experienced, fully bonded fencing contractor serving London, Ontario. We do it right the first time. Contact us today to discuss your fencing requirements.

8 Undeniable Benefits of Installing a Fence on Your Residential Property

When you buy a home, one of the great investments you can make to your property is installing a fence around it. Homeowners with children and pets know the importance of fencing their properties.  You have probably heard that installing a fence around your residential property increases its value, protects your family and offers privacy. This article demonstrates the perks and benefits of installing a fence around your residential property. However, there are a few things you should consider before you install a fence.    Install the Fence Where it is Needed the Most     As mentioned earlier, a fence offers many benefits to a homeowner. However, it would be best if you elected the fence at the right place to benefit maximally. A good example is when you want to hide a nasty sight, like a rundown property in the background. It is important to elect the fence to ensure it covers this unsightly and unappealing view adjacent to your property. A professional fencing company will assist you in establishing where the fence is required the most.  The other thing, when installing a fence around your property, ensure the fence height is appropriate. Do not hide the beauty of your property by electing a tall fence at the front view. Remember, you need a fence to accentuate your property, not to cover it completely.    A Fence Distinguishes Your Property from others for Sale Most homeowners aim to increase their properties, which is a great strategy, especially with the competitive Waterloo real estate market. Anything you can do to stand out from the crowd will significantly help you obtain the best value for your property. Most clients consider the security and privacy of a property before purchasing it. Statistics show that home buyers prefer fenced properties to unfenced ones, and they are willing to pay extra dollars as long as the above two factors are considered.         The Right Materials Make All the Difference    Though you plan to make some extra cash from the sale of your property, you must use quality and durable materials for your fence. Wood and iron fencing materials are known to be more durable and offer tight security to homeowners. Such materials bring more value when your sell your home compared to other fencing materials, like vinyl or chain-link. The fact that fences add value to your property does not imply you construct any fence. You must establish the fence that is best suited for your home and neighborhood. While chain-link fences are pretty popular, they provide little privacy, safety, and security; thus, they will add minimal value to your property when selling it. Yes, a chain-link fence is low-cost and might work in some home settings, but it doesn’t bring the beauty and purpose of other fences.   Hire an Expert to Install your Fence     Do not be deceived by the simplicity of some fences. Suppose you want to add maximum value to your property through a fence. In that case, you should seek the services of a professional fence installation company with rich experience and expertise to help you make the right decision, choose the best fencing materials, and properly install and maintain your fence. A fence is not a weekend activity and is not recommended as a DIY project.   The Benefits of Installing a Fence on Your Residential Property     It Offers Safety   Electing a fence around your property reduces your insurance contributions. Depending on your insurance carrier, you could pay less by simply constructing a privacy fence around your property. A properly installed fence increases your property’s value and minimizes your monthly insurance contributions. Take a closer look at your neighborhood and tell us what you see. What fences have your neighbors constructed? Which fences have your neighbors built? Are they appealing? Now, take a look at the compounds without fences. Does the thought of trespassing or illegally accessing them come into your mind? If you spend most of your time away from your home, a fence will ensure your home is safe and secure always. Though a privacy fence doesn’t guarantee 100% security from thieves and burglars, it minimizes the possibility of having your home broken into. Fences are indeed great deterrents. Thieves always think twice about climbing a fence; thus, the chances of being robbed are less.   It Offers Privacy     Privacy fences will allow you to comfortably enjoy family gatherings without peering eyes from neighbors and passersby. Still, if you have a poor relationship with your neighbor, a privacy fence eliminates the need to vacate to another location. If your children like playing in the yard, a privacy fence will restrict them to your compound. There is nothing that scares parents other than imagining their kids running into the middle of the road after a soccer ball – or worse, being kidnapped. A privacy fence also acts as a boundary for your outdoor living space where you and your loved ones can enjoy your own freedom without distractions from intruders. This is especially important in pool parties during summer. It will keep off pool crashers from invading your compound and neighbors who always invite themselves when you fire up the grill at bay.   It Protects You from Animals   Animals are the most beautiful things on the earth. Who doesn’t love watching a lovely deer or fluffy rabbit? Everyone, except your well-maintained garden. A privacy fence protects your garden from animals by restricting them from invading your yard and causing damages. If you stay near mountains or wooded regions, a privacy fence will protect you and your pets from bears, foxes, and other harmful animals.   It Protects You from Harsh Weather Conditions    Not only does a fence provide security and privacy, but it can also protect your property from strong winds and storms. If you have an outdoor living space with furniture and decorations, a privacy fence will maintain everything in place and

What Makes a Good Commercial Fence?

  Businesses in Cambridge, as indeed everywhere else, face many risks. But if there is one all-consuming concern for every business owner, it has to be physical security.    To ensure your assets are secure, and your staff is safe, a good commercial-grade fence is a bare minimum. What makes a good commercial fence, though?   How to Choose a Suitable Commercial-grade Fence   A good commercial fence protects your business property, physical assets, and employees from thieves, vandals, and other trespassers. In essence, a good fence is one that keeps out unwanted visitors.   While a good commercial fence has to be secure, it must accomplish a bit more than that. And because every business is unique, you have to choose the right fence for your business. Luckily, you have more than enough options.   To select the right fence for your Cambridge business, ask yourself the following questions. If you are short on time, you can always seek the guidance of a commercial fencing contractor.   1. What is the Main Purpose of My Fence?   This may sound like an odd question to ask, but we don’t look for the same qualities in a fence. While we all instinctively feel we have to protect our premises from unwanted visitors, we don’t all face the same security threats. Some areas are safer than others.   For a lot of businesses, the need to increase commercial curb appeal is just as, if not, more important than securing assets. If that’s you, the more ornamental wrought iron fence will work much better than a chain-link fence that tends to be plain and uninteresting.    Privacy is another quality other business owners prioritize in a fence. Depending on the nature of your business, you may decide to keep your premises totally blocked off from the street.    That is why masonry wall fences, which combine privacy and security, are a popular choice in industrial districts. Vinyl fences are a cheaper option that offers great privacy.     2. What is the Weather Like in My Area?     Weather plays an important role in your choice of fence, whether it is for your commercial or residential area. Different fencing materials have varying tolerances for the elements.   Wood fences, though not very popular for securing commercial properties, do not handle wet conditions and extreme sunlight very well. If a wood fence fits the aesthetic you are looking to create for your commercial property, be prepared to spend more on maintenance costs.    For fencing options that have great weather resistance, consider chain-link, wrought iron, and vinyl fencing. These are also good low-maintenance options.    Then again, those options may not be the most suitable if you are looking to create an inviting feel that attracts customers to your business. For that, you need a fence that beautifully complements your building’s design.     3. What is My Budget?   Whatever your main purpose is for your commercial fence, you have to balance your needs with your budget. Some fences are more expensive than others.    So if security is a priority for you but you are hamstrung by a limited budget, a chain-link fence will be a more practical option than the more secure but pricier wrought iron fence. Ask your fencing contractor what options you have for fencing materials. They are more experienced and best placed to advise on your best options.     Do You Need a New Fence for Your Commercial Property in Cambridge?   Of course, you don’t always need a new fence. If you already have a fence securing your commercial property, get an experienced commercial fencing contractor to come over and inspect it. All your fence may need are repairs here and there.    Wrought iron fences, for example, have a long service life, but they need regular maintenance to keep their looks. Regular painting will keep rust at bay and preserve their rustic beauty.   That said, if your fence now costs too much to maintain or no longer meets your security needs, you should look to invest in a new one.   Jay Fencing is one of the oldest and most trusted commercial fencing contractors in Cambridge, Ontario. Consider us for your next commercial fencing project.

9 Christmas Decoration Ideas: How to Dress Up Your Backyard for Xmas

If you have to say so yourself, your living room is looking super festive, with that fabulously bedecked Christmas tree standing in the corner.    But there is one area you have likely left to the last minute to decorate. It’s your yard.    Save for a colorfully decorated wreath on the front door, your yard is looking anything but festive.    Your deck looks rather plain, and so does your pergola, and your whole backyard, if truth be told.   Santa won’t be too impressed. But not to panic, there is still time. Here are cheap but tasteful yard Christmas decorations to bring festive cheer to your home, starting with the mailbox:   Letterbox Christmas Decorations   As far as holidays go, you wouldn’t immediately think of your mailbox, but that’s exactly where you should start.    Not only is your letterbox the first thing your visitors see, but a cheerfully decorated letterbox is an enduring Christmas tradition and something that will be sure to melt even Santa’s heart.   Not sure where to start decorating your letterbox? We have got a few ideas:   1. Give Your ‘Letters to Santa’ Mailbox a Fresh Coat of Paint   If you have a dedicated ‘letters to Santa’ letterbox sitting somewhere in your garage, it’s time to dust it up for a fresh makeover.    After a quick dust-down, give the old mailbox a fresh coat of paint. You could paint it a color you prefer, but brilliant white and the traditional Christmas red always work a treat.    With the mailbox painted all white, give it a cheerful contrast by inscribing ‘letters to Santa’ in red across the front.   2. Add Colorful Swag to Your Mailbox   Christmas mailbox swags are an old holiday decor idea that never disappoints. You could buy the swag ready-made, or you could make your own.    For your DIY Christmas mailbox decoration, you will need fresh pine swag, which is nothing more than fresh pine cuttings joined by some craft floral wire and made to drape either side of the mailbox.   You will also need:   Shatterproof Christmas balls Ribbon and a couple of pre-made bows Artificial white and red mums flowers Some glue   For the tools, you will need wire cutters, a glue gun, and scissors. Here’s a nice video tutorial on how to bring everything together.   Driveway Gate Christmas Decorations   With your mailbox looking festive, you should make sure your driveway gate looks bang on-theme, too.    3. Double Wreaths for your Bi-parting Swing Driveway Gate     Evergreen wreaths, with a touch of red, are a familiar sight on driveways during the festive period. That’s because they always add tasteful decor cred to your home.   Wreaths work best on bi-parting swing gates. And instead of one wreath, make one for each gate leaf placed centrally and towards the top of the gate.    If yours is a sliding gate, hanging the wreaths directly on the gate will be impractical. Instead, fix them to the pillars on either side of the gate. They will look just as festive.    And for something off-beat:   4. Repurpose Old, Empty Picture Frames Into Colourful Wreaths   You have likely spent a lot of money already on Christmas gifts and decorations. This holiday display trick could save you a few bucks.   Look around your garage for empty picture frames you no longer use and repurpose them into wreaths to hang on your driveway gate.    To fashion the disused picture frames into real show-stoppers, select a few good ones and paint them into different colors.    Paint a couple in white, some in red, and a few others in bright colors of your choosing.    Decorate them as you would your standard wreaths, with red ribbon, and fresh pine cuttings and cones. Then hang them on your gate in any configuration you desire.   Gazebo and pergola Christmas decorations   Weather permitting, you should take your Christmas celebrations outside this year, if only for some time.    As there is likely to be above normal snowfall in Southern Ontario this Christmas, you should still want to be protected from the elements.    We suggest fastening a canvas cloth over your pergola and using the ideas below to turn it into a winter wonderland.      If you own a gazebo, the covered roof will give you better protection from the weather.   5. Light Up the Pergola/Gazebo With Christmas Lights     With some weather protection, your pergola is the perfect outdoor space to enjoy your Christmas dinner. We bet you would also relish the experience of opening your Christmas gifts under the stars.   A fun idea is to arrange some cozy seating, with plenty of plush cushions around the Christmas tree placed in the center of the pergola or gazebo. You will also want to make sure the space is as bright as day, with plenty of lighting.    Hang strings of icicle lights right around the pergola, making sure the light strings hang down to the floor. For even more pop-out cheer, wrap light strings around the pergola’s corner posts.   6. Glowing Wreaths and Garland for a Pop of Colour     Wreaths and garlands really are the utility Christmas decor items. Wherever you hang them, they always look the part.    For something understated, opt for a glowing garland wrapped around the pergola’s posts and under the beams.    As you should also do with the garland, wrap stretches of light strings right around your wreaths. The lights make sure the fresh green color of the greenery and the red decorations come alive in spite of the dark. Deck Christmas Decorations If you have invested in a deck, this is another perfect outdoor place to decorate for the holidays. Here are a few ideas:   7. Take the Christmas Tree Out to the Deck Have you likely always celebrated Christmas indoors? If

7 Ideas For A Festive-Looking Fence

Of all your Christmas holidays, this year’s is one you will happily stay home to celebrate. Covid-19 cases and hospitalizations are rising in Ontario, and the Waterloo Region will be going into a hard lockdown.   With Covid-19 spread indicators worsening, it’s best for everyone to stay home this Christmas. So why not prepare your home and make this Christmas less forgettable than it might be under these difficult circumstances, starting with your wood fence?   So, how do you dress up your wood picket or board-on-board fence to capture the Christmas spirit?    In this article, we will discuss 7 Christmas fence decoration tips for a festive-looking wood fence.   Let’s go.   Christmas fence decorations to consider this festive season   If you have a white picket fence, then decorating it for Christmas will be a dream. For other wooden fence types, the job will be just as rewarding.   Beyond the strings of LED mini lights, scrap wire, decorating materials left over from other DIY jobs, and wire cutters and pliers you likely already have in your toolbox, you won’t have to spend much on these Christmas fence decorations.   1. Drape your fence with a garland of fresh greens   What’s a Christmas fence decoration without a garland of fresh greens?   If you have some plain wire about 1.5 times the length of your fence, some soft tying wire, and access to fresh cypress cuttings, you have all you need to make a garland.    It’s important to make the garland longer than the fence, preferably 1.5 to two times longer because you want it to hang on the fence posts in a ‘smiley’ pattern.    To add that wow factor, decorate some wreaths in a contrasting colour (red works a treat) and hang them on each of the fence posts. Instead of wreaths, you can use red cloths tied around the top of posts in a bow-tie fashion.   If you are not sure how to make one, here’s a short video that shows you how to make a garland:   2. Wish passersby a ‘Merry Christmas’ in lights   A fun idea is to spell ‘Merry Christmas’ in light strings along the length of your wood fence. A board-on-board fence is perfect for this decoration. All you need for this are strings of mini LED lights.    Be careful how you fix the light strings to the fence. Because this is a seasonal decoration that you will soon take down, you don’t want to use big nails that will leave holes that will let in water and cause rot.   You can use tape to affix the mini lights to the fence. If the lights are too heavy, get some plastic hooks and use double-sided tape to fix them to the fence. Done right, this decoration is sure to catch the attention of passersby and help spread that Christmas cheer.   3. Use barbed wire wreaths to decorate country style post-and-rail fences A winter Christmas out in the country, or some large estate whose border is marked by those post and rail fences you see on paddocks, is the stuff of fairytales.   But what’s also true is decorating a long fence lacking in charm can be a bit overwhelming. But a few strategically-hanged, colourfully-decorated barbed wire wreaths can make a big statement.    Making the wreaths is fairly easy, but be sure to wear protective gloves. Use whatever you have on hand to decorate the wreaths, which could be fresh or artificial flowers, green pine/cypress cuttings, and anything leftover from your Christmas tree decorations.   4. Drape your fence with a mesh of icicle lights     An easy and yet eminently fun wood fence Christmas decoration trick is to dress your fence in a drape of white icicle lights.    Right on theme with a winter Christmas celebration, the icicle lights give the appearance of falling snow. This decoration truly comes alive at night and is fairly inexpensive to execute.   Still on the lights theme:   5. Hang candle lamps along the length of your fence     After a year of sorrows and the dark cloud of uncertainty caused by the Covid-19 pandemic, Christmas represents an opportunity for renewal.    And there is no better spiritual symbol of ‘light in the darkness’ than candlelight. Instead of the standard LED light strings, choose the therapeutic and calming energy of lighted candles.   For the lamps, buy a set of glass storage jars and a corresponding number of thick, slowing burning candles. The jars must have a rimmed top so you can tie a hanging wire around them. Also, make sure the jars are taller than the candles so they don’t blow out.   Hang these lamps on the top of your fence’s anchor posts. Light the candles when daylight starts to fade so they can burn through or well into the night.   And now for the driveway gate:   6. Hang snowflake motifs on driveway gate   You were not going to forget about decorating the driveway, were you?   The driveway gate is where your Christmas guests should get an idea of what the evening will be like. It should set the mood for the rest of the night’s festivities. You want to decorate it well, and you have many options.   We like the idea of placing strings of shining stars and glittering snowflakes around your gate’s frame. This is an excellent way to draw attention to your main gate. Even first-time visitors to your home will not miss your gate.   Why not light your visitors’ way right up to your doorstep?   7. Outline your driveway with pathway lights   This one is an easy fix, but it makes such a big difference.    Pathway lights are available in different designs. But what’s more important, especially if your area receives a lot of snowfall, is how high you set your light stakes. If your

Fencing In Cambridge: Who To Trust For The Best Fences

‘A good neighbor is a fellow who smiles at you over the back fence but doesn’t climb over it’ – Arthur Baer.      Perhaps putting perspective on Mr. Baer’s standard for neighborliness, Rober Frost made this now-famous statement, ‘good fences make good neighbors’.   At Jay Fencing we couldn’t agree more with the two wise gentlemen. Our work fencing houses and commercial properties around Cambridge has taught us that to keep the peace with your neighbors, it is best (and easier) to not give conflict a chance.   We believe that you make your own neighbors. That a weak fence that’s easy to breach encourages burglars and intruders. Likewise, a fence that offers no privacy invites the attention of neighbors and passersby, unable to resist stealing a glance at you stretching about in your backyard.   The security, privacy, and your whole property’s look is a product of the quality of your fence. It is also to a large extent determined by your choice of the fencing contractor.   Why Cambridge Property Owners Trust Jay Fencing    We are not the only fencing contractor in Cambridge or indeed in Ontario. So why should you choose us over the others?   We can list many reasons why choosing Jay Fencing to fence your property is a smart decision. But we can’t think of one that’s more important than our experience. Experience can’t be bought or faked. It’s either you have fence X number of properties over a span of Y years, or you haven’t.    We have been serving Southern Ontario for decades, honing our craft and perfecting our systems one fencing project after another. Because we have already served our apprenticeship, you won’t have to pay for our on-the-job training with your own security.    It is the quality and length of our experience that gives us the confidence to attach a guarantee to our work: Our two-year quality guarantee is a show of confidence and trust in our own work   We probably wouldn’t be promising to repair your fence at no charge if it fails within two years of us installing it if we didn’t think it will hold up for that long.   We guarantee our work because we value quality craftsmanship. We want you to have absolute confidence that your new fence investment will pay off.    To show you that we put our money where our mouths are, we will repair your fence if it fails because of poor welding, peeling paint, or any other defects that hint at poor craftsmanship.    Between you and us, we would rather not work free of charge and, to avoid that, we simply do it right the first time. Two years is a long time, so why are we so confident in our services? We were fence technicians before anything else   We have since expanded our installation services to include gazebos, decks, gates, enclosures, railings, and privacy screens among other home improvement services. But fencing is where we cut our teeth.    To Jay Fencing, fencing is not an added service or something we added to diversify and recession-proof the business. We started in fencing because it’s what we knew how to do best.    We have watched as vinyl fences grew in popularity and can rightly claim to have been one of the fencing material’s early proponents. We are just as experienced with other fences, whether they are board-on-board privacy fences or chain-link fences.    Name any type of fence and we will point you to a home in Cambridge where you can go and review our work in person. You can leverage our experience to get a secure fence that will frame your property for the best curb appeal. Enjoy your well-manicured yard in perfect seclusion (and security)   It matters little that your home is beautiful if you don’t feel secure in it. Or that your yard is well-tended if you can’t enjoy it without the prying glare of neighbors. A good fence will complete your home into a secure suburban oasis that your family and pets can enjoy.   But all this begins with your selection of a fence builder in Cambridge. Jay Fencing offers a variety of fencing solutions that are perfectly customized to your security, privacy, and aesthetic needs.   When you choose Jay Fencing to install your fence, expect the following: A breakdown of the materials you need and our reasons for our recommendations, If the job entails replacing an old fence, we will assess the existing fence and tell you what materials can be salvaged for recycling, A realistic time budget for how long the fencing job will take, A clear statement on what warranties and guarantees you should expect, A clear written agreement on payment, including terms and plans (where applicable).   Ready to get started with your fencing project?    Jay fencing is a leading fencing contractor with a strong reputation and a growing list of satisfied customers in Cambridge, ON. Contact us below to discuss your project.

Fencing Tips Only An Experienced Fencing Contractor Would Share

Fencing Tips Only An Experienced Contractor Would Share   You will never quite feel safe nor truly ‘at home’ if your residential property is not securely fenced. To improve both your security and boost your home’s curb appeal, you are probably now considering installing a new fence.   You likely have an idea of what shape and form that fence will take. Your choices will depend on your budget, tastes, and level of security and durability you are after, among other considerations.   While making the right choices on the type of fence is central to the success of your project, the fencing contractor you choose can also play a pivotal role. There are many fencing contractors in Toronto, so it is easy to make the wrong choice.   Choosing the right contractor ensures the project is delivered on time and within your budget. That’s not all it can do for you:   Tap into your fencing contractor’s experience for guidance on the most functional fencing solutions   When you look at it, your fencing contractor is your best possible guide for choosing a fencing solution that meets your needs and budget.    If you choose the right contractor, it is likely they will have years of local experience. That experience gives them indispensable knowledge you can utilize by simply asking the right questions.   At Jay Fencing, we have been serving Southern Ontario for over 30 years. When it comes to choosing fencing solutions, we can confidently separate the good from the bad.    We know, for example, how Toronto’s brutal and wet winters can ravage wooden fences and, importantly, how best you can protect yours so you can get the longest service from it.   Below we share fencing tips an inexperienced fencing contractor would never speak authoritatively on.   Maximizing your fence’s security   Whether or not you live in a high crime area, you will sleep better knowing you have a fence so secure that any intruder would not have it all their way if they choose to cross your property line.   But a strong fence that isn’t easy to breach can easily be interpreted as one that’s expensive to install. Is it, though? Use an anti-climb fence topper to discourage intrusions   Fence toppers are an inexpensive way to prevent burglars from climbing over your fence. Generally, the harder you make it to climb over your fence the less likely vandals and thieves are to try to break in.   You have probably seen razor wire fence toppers on chain link fences. But a good fencing contractor can fashion a fence topper for almost any type of fence. For example, for your wood stockade privacy fence, we would suggest fitting angled steel spikes.   Of course, there are questions to answer on fence height regulations. Adding a fence topper after the fact can mean your fence may end up taller than local regulations allow.    Because we have built many types of fences with toppers over the years, we would know to suggest making one part of the fence’s design. This way you know your fence will be secure and still meet code.   Ensure adequate lighting around your fence   For intruders and burglars, darkness is often the best cover. In our experience, even the best fences can be breached if the intruder has adequate enough cover.   If you have limited street lighting, consider installing security lights along your fence’s perimeter. But make sure the lighting is inaccessible from outside. Some criminals will try to disable the lights so they can climb the fence unnoticed.   Fencing tips for privacy   Unsurprisingly, privacy is a top concern for homeowners in Toronto. And it should be. Your residential property is one of the few places where you can still live relatively inconspicuously. Step outside your gate and your right to privacy isn’t guaranteed.   The challenge is to make sure you get a fence that keeps nosy neighbors out of your business but still not make your property look like a maximum-security prison. You can very easily end up with a fence that barely looks like nothing you had in mind. Privacy fences don’t have to be dull and boring     Vinyl and stockade fences are some of our favorite options where fences that deliver on looks, security, and privacy are concerned. That said, we know that each has its place and will suit a specific type of property.   In our time we have seen privacy fence failures that we are motivated to ensure you avoid. Most important, we will make sure your fence allows you to enjoy your outdoor living spaces with relative seclusion without hiding or distracting from your property’s best features.   Effective fencing solutions that will not break the bank   You may want to work with an experienced fencing contractor for the reason that they can point you towards more budget-friendly solutions.    Even so, we have been in this business long enough to know that a fence can be cheap to build and yet be expensive to maintain in the long run.    While wood is a cheaper fencing material that also has great appeal for its warmth and sustainability as a natural material, it is more expensive to maintain and won’t last as long as vinyl.    Are you are struggling to decide between two or more fencing materials? We will happily share our experience with each as well as their general pros and cons so you can make the right choice for your fencing project.   Unusual fencing materials that may not quickly come to mind   When you have been in an industry as long as we have, you can be tempted to think you have seen it all. But every day we are surprised at the ingenuity and creativity of property owners and fellow fencing contractors.   We have, of course, not seen it all. But we have seen a

You can rely on the knowledge and experience of Jay Fencing Ltd. Feel confident that we will recommend only the fencing that meets your specific needs and budget.

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