Bylaw Summary: Fencing Rules and Regulations for Fencing in Waterloo
Jul 18, 2016 Bylaw Summary: Fencing Rules and Regulations for Fencing in Waterloo When considering a fence project or an enclosure around your pool, don’t get caught with by-law complaints leading to costs for re-work or fines of ($350- $25,000 for first offences) on your fences. Jay Fencing is your expert advisor on planning and installing by-law compliant perimeters that also impress visually. This article features a highlight of resources for those planning a fencing project, followed by key items to consider when building residential or commercial perimeters. Waterloo Bylaws Resources Relating to Fencing Once your fencing or pool project is complete, the last thing you want is to be served a notice of by-law infraction. This may lead a homeowner to have to pay for additional materials and labour to comply with city bylaws. The following content is a summary of key by-law related documents: A By-law to Provide for the Regulation of Fences and Privacy Screens Within the City of Waterloo Being a By-bylaw to Provide for the Regulation of Pool Enclosures within the City of Waterloo City of Waterloo by-law fencing page By-law exemption application Key Items for Fencing Rules and Regulations For those considering a fence for properties or for enclosing a pool, it is important to be aware of these points before starting a project. When a permit is required: A permit is not required to build a fence unless you are enclosing a pool or adding a hot tub. Residential penalties for non-conformance: $350-$25,000 for first time offence. A maximum of $50,000 for additional offences. Corporation penalties for non-conformance: Maximum of $50,000 for first offence, and maximum of $100,000 for additional offences. Ensure Fences do not obstruct visibility for pedestrians or motorists and do not encroach onto city property. Daylight corner restrictions: No fences are permitted to be erected in the daylight corner to ensure sight lines are not obstructed. Exemptions: The fence variance committee reviews and decisions on fencing exemption requests. Things to Know for Fencing Pools or Hot Tubs Before adding a fence around a pool or hot tub, be sure to apply for a permit and to adhere to these regulations. These points are provided as a general guideline to plan and build pool enclosures and are not substitutes for Waterloo by-laws. Please see here for full by-law information. Prevent circumvention of enclosure: It is prohibited to arrange objects or materials to help a person gain access to the pool by bypassing the enclosure. Minimum height: 1.52 metres (5 feet) measured by effective ground level on the outside of the pool. Maximum enclosure opening diameter: 38 millimetres (1.5 inches) to prevent balls or frisbees from entering, not relating to the gate portion. Fences that are not chain link or wood lattice Minimum horizontal distance between rails: 1.22 metres (4 feet) measured by effective ground level on the outside of the pool. Maximum opening diameter: 10 centimetres (4 inches). Chain link or wood lattice fences Minimum horizontal distance between rails: 1.83 metres (6 feet) measured by effective ground level on the outside of the pool. Maximum opening diameter: 50 millimetres (2 inches). See by-law for additional requirements of lattice or horizontal louvers. Minimum distance from fence or structure: 0.6 metres (2 feet). Minimum distance from pools/hot tub: 0.9 metres (3 feet). Minimum distance from pools/hot tub: 1.22 metres 4(feet) for enclosures that are formed using part of building wall. The city of Waterloo further stipulates requirements for temporary fencing during construction, temporary pools, gates, and entrances through buildings. These may be reviewed under section 11 and onwards from the by-law. Things to Know for General Fencing Before adding a fence the key to success is knowing and planning for by-law compliance so property owners can save money on re-work or by-law fines. The notes below are provided as a general guideline to plan and build pool enclosures and are not substitutes for Waterloo by-laws; please see here for full by-law information. Prohibitions on fencing: Fences made of barbed wire or that are electrified are not permitted. Prohibitions for fencing on city land: No person shall erect a fence on City property, including any highway, without expressed consent of the city. Replacement of materials: No person shall replace any section of a fence with anything other than similar suitable materials, so as to not appear unsightly. Residential Zones Maximum height rear and side yard: 2.44 metres (8 feet). Maximum height visibility triangle and front yard: 2.44 metres (8 feet). Maximum height flankage yard: 1.83 metres (6 feet). Other Zones (including commercial, industrial, agricultural zones) Maximum height: 3.04 metres (10 feet). Residential Privacy Screens Minimum distance from any property line: 0.9 metres (3 feet). Maximum height: 2.44 metres (8 feet). Additional height provided: 0.3 metres (1 foot) for each additional 0.3 metres ( 1 foot) that privacy screen is setback. Threshold for additional height allowance: 3.04 metres ( 10 feet) if ground level or 2 metres (6 feet 5 inches) above a deck or platform if erected on the deck or platform. The city of Waterloo further stipulates requirements for privacy screens, visibility triangles, grade elevation differences between lots, and additional prohibitions. These details may be reviewed from the by-law. Let Jay Fencing Help Simplify Your Next Fencing Project Having worked with clients on properties of all shapes and sizes, we have the understanding and practical know-how to ensure great looking fences that meet by-laws in Waterloo. Here is what others have said about Jay Fencing: The best way to determine which fencing option is right for you is to reach out to Jay Fencing Ltd. Let Jay Fencing deal with the fine print and by-laws while you focus on your business and family, all at the very best value. With Jay Fencing you can expect these services every time we serve you: Careful consideration of community requirements Personal and property security Privacy Protected play for children and pets Over 28 years of experience delivering quality service to our clients We service customers everywhere from Stratford to Brantford, Mississauga to Fergus, and everywhere in between. Book a consultation today and Jay Fencing can help you pick the right perimeter for your property. Definitions The following definitions are sourced from section 1.1 of the by-law: Visibility triangle – Means the area within a triangle formed by measuring a prescribed distance along two specified intersecting lines and a third line joining the terminal points of the two measured lines. Flankage yard – Means the yard extended to the rear lot line,
By-law Summary: Fencing Rules and Regulations for Fencing in Cambridge
Apr 14, 2016 By-law Summary: Fencing Rules and Regulations for Fencing in Cambridge When considering a fence project or an enclosure around your pool, don’t get caught with by-law complaints leading to costs for re-work or fines on your fences. Jay Fencing is your expert advisor on planning and installing by-law-compliant perimeters. For residents who aren’t sure about whether their existing fence is by-law compliant, feel free to contact us for more information. The information provided is a summary of key items and is in no way a substitute for an actual review of by-laws on property maintenance which may be found here. Cambridge By-Laws Resources Relating to Fencing Once your fencing or pool project is complete, the last thing you want is to be served a notice of by-law infraction. This may lead a homeowner to have to pay for additional materials and labour to comply with city by-laws. The following content is a summary of key by-law related documents: Cambridge resource on: Building a Fence If you are planning a fence project in Cambridge it is highly encouraged that you review the by-law or engage with a knowledgeable service provider to ensure your project is compliant. Getting Started with Fencing for Swimming Pools & Hot Tubs There are many factors to consider when endeavoring to be by-law compliant. Here are four quick facts that you should know before getting started. A copy of a survey (plot plan) showing the location of the pool on the site and its distance from all other structures and property lines. A simple description of the pool (in-ground or above ground). A diagram of the type of protection (fence) you will be constructing around the pool or hot tub. An application (obtainable from the Planning Services Department, 73 Water Street North, 3rd floor, Cambridge Place). Summary of By-Law for Fences Enclosing Pool or Hot Tub Fences must be at least 1.5 metres. Chain linked fences are permitted provided they meet regulations. Be aware of the different regulations for above ground and in-ground pools. For wood fences, a lattice for top portion is permitted provided they meet regulations. Save on materials of your fence by using an existing dwelling, building, or accessory building, or part thereof, to enclose your pool. Make sure hot tubs have a tight fitted cover with a locking device or are protected with a 1.5 m minimum high fence. Ensure there are no climbable objects or apparatuses. In such cases, your fence must be 1.5 metres higher than the climbable object or apparatus to meet standards. Key Items: Fences that do not Enclose Pools or Hot Tubs For fences that do not guard pools/hot tubs, no permit is required by the city. There are, however, rules stipulating the height, location, and type of fence permitted. The by-law can be framed in the perspective of residential and commercial/industrial stipulations, based on applicable zoning by-law. Commercial, Industrial, Institutional Barbed wire and snow fencing are permitted for protection of property. A machine generating electric current to project or used in conjunction to a fence is permitted only for farm fences in agricultural zones. Generally, if a fence is located in the back of a building the maximum height is 2.4 metres. For fences located between front lot and building line the maximum height is 2.4 metres. Residential (based on by-law zoning) Barbed wire is prohibited as a form of fencing. Snow fencing is allowed but is not to be permanently placed. Generally, if a fence is located in the back of a building the maximum height is 2.1 metres. For fences located between front lot and building line the maximum height is 0.9 metres. Common Rules For corner lots, fences may be permitted to be erected up t0 2.1 metres unless it is within the corner of the property where it may only stand up to 0.75 metres. Amendments There are instances in which you may have a just cause in installing a fence that does not comply with by-laws. These situations may be reviewed and in some cases, City Council may approve modified fences. Resources for Fencing The following are some resources provided by the city of Cambridge to help you plan and apply for requisite permits. Pool Requirement for public Pool Commitment Form Fence-By-law 92-05 Fence By-law Amendment Application Form Pool Permit Application Jay Fencing Frees You from Dealing with Fencing Rules and Regulations Having worked with clients who owned properties of all shapes and sizes, we have the understanding and practical know-how to ensure great looking fences that meet by-laws in Cambridge. Here is what others have said about Jay Fencing: The best way to determine which fencing option is right for you is to reach out to Jay Fencing Ltd. Let Jay Fencing deal with the fine print and by-laws while you focus on your business and family, all at the very best value. With Jay Fencing you can expect these services every time we serve you: Careful consideration of community requirements. Personal and property security. Privacy for your family as we construct your project. Protected play zone for children and pets. Over 28 years of experience delivering quality service to our clients. We service customers everywhere from Stratford to Brantford, Mississauga to Fergus, and everywhere in between. Book a consultation today and Jay Fencing can help you pick the right perimeter for your property. Note: For alignment with specific municipal conventions the spelling of by-law or by-law may be used.
Bylaw Summary: Fencing rules and regulations for fencing in Kitchener
Apr 7, 2016 Bylaw Summary: Fencing rules and regulations for fencing in Kitchener When considering a fence project or an enclosure around your pool, don’t get caught red-handed by bylaw complaints leading to costs for re-work or fines($5000 maximum) on your fences. Jay Fencing is your expert advisor on planning and installing bylaw-compliant perimeters. This article features a highlight of resources for those planning a fencing project followed by key items to consider when building residential or commercial perimeters. Kitchener Bylaws Resources Relating to Fencing Once your fencing or pool project is complete, the last thing you want is to be served a notice of bylaw infraction. This may lead a homeowner to have to pay for additional materials and labour to comply with city bylaws. The following content is a summary of key bylaw related documents: Building a Fence Questions and Answers Pool Enclosure Requirements The information provided is a summary of key items and is in no way a substitute for an actual review of by-laws on property maintenance which may be found here. Key Topics for Fencing Rules and Regulations Results of Nonconformance If changes are not made to conform to bylaws on receipt of a complaint to the City’s Bylaw Enforcement offices, the following things may happen: Legal action will be taken against you by the city A maximum fine for non-compliance of $5000 Additional costs required to modify your fencing perimeter Driveway Gates Driveway fencing along with a gate are permitted, providing the gate is at least 2.59 meters (8.5ft.) wide Electrical /Barbed Wire Fences Both types of fences are prohibited from residential properties. Electrical and barbed wire fences are both permitted on agriculture properties for the purpose of containing livestock Barbed wire fences are permitted on these bases as well: The wire sits on top of a fence on top of a commercial property, with wires projecting towards the property For recreational, operational, or storage facilities owned and operated by City of Kitchener Things to Know When Building a Residential Fence A permit to construct a fence is only required if it encloses a swimming pool If an exemption is required from the Fence Bylaw an application may be submitted for minor deviations to the City Hall – see here for more info For interior lots(property located in the middle of the block) fences can be a maximum height of: Front yard max height: 0.93 metres (3 ft.) Rear/side yards max height: 2.4 metres (8ft.) For corner lots fences can be a maximum height of: Front yard max height: 0.9 metres (3 ft.) high, within 1.5 metres (5 ft.) of the side lot abutting a street and within any driveway (DVT -see red circle) or corner visibility triangle(CVT – see green circle in image), including a neighbour’s driveway. Alternative front yard max height: 1.82 metres (6ft.) high if the fence is set back at least 1.5 metres (5 ft.) from the side lot abutting a street. Rear and interior side yards max height: 2.4 metres (8 ft.) if they are set back a minimum of 4.5 metres (15 ft.) from the side lot abutting a street Things to Know When Building a Fence for Industrial or Commercial Lots In this instance, the same rules for bylaws apply for residential properties (interior and corner lots) except: Fences can be erected to enclose a front yard if these requirements are satisfied: Minimum distance away from front line: 7.62 metres (25 ft.) from the front line and must not be located within the corner visibility triangle (see image above with red annotations) Summary of Pool Enclosure Requirements Here is an excerpt of the Pool Enclosure Requirements listed in the resources section of the article. These stipulations help ensure the safety and economic use of space for your family, commercial business, and the community. Minimum height of pool enclosure/gate: 1.52 metres ( 5 ft.) Minimum height of pool enclosure: Space between fence and grade not to exceed: 0.10 metres (4 inches) Fence components running horizontally, vertical distance between components must be at least: 0.91 metres (3 ft.) apart or Minimum height of pool enclosure: 0.04 metres (1.5 inches) Distance from fences that do not meet provisions, minimum: 1 metres (3.28 ft.) away If your pool enclosure is within 1 metre (3.28 ft.) of a fence that does not meet provisions , the height of the pool enclose must be at least 2.44 metre (8 ft.) in height Additional Stipulations: Every aspect of fence enclosing a swimming pool will restrict access into the enclosed area No person shall place or lean a moveable object against the enclosure that aids in the climbing of the fence Access for ladders or stairs to above ground pools must be locked or supervised by an adult A pool is not permitted to be filled with water unless it has been enclosed in accordance with provisions (indicated here in full) Jay Fencing Frees You from Dealing with Fencing Rules and Regulations Having worked with clients who owned properties of all shapes and sizes, we have a deep understanding and practical know how ensuring great looking fences that meet bylaws in your city. The best way to determine which fencing option is for you is to reach out to Jay Fencing Ltd. Let Jay Fencing deal with the fine print and bylaws while you focus on your business and family, all at the very best value. With Jay Fencing you can expect these services every time we serve you: Careful consideration to community requirements Personal and property security Privacy Protected play for children and pets Over 28 years of experience delivering quality service to Kitchener-Waterloo clients We service customers everywhere from Stratford, to Brantford, to Mississauga, to Fergus and everyone in between. Book a consultation today and Jay Fencing can help you pick the right perimeter for your property.
City of Hamilton Fencing Bylaw Summary
Jan 16, 2016 City of Hamilton Fencing Bylaw Summary Fencing is a great way to improve your property’s value, aesthetics, occupant safety, and provide you with the privacy to focus on what is important. Jay Fencing helps residents and business owners in Hamilton with securing their property with the right fencing solutions. Click here to find out how we can help you install or design your best bet against privacy issues and hassles in the Electric City today. This article features highlights of Hamilton fencing bylaws and is in no way a replacement for the review of the actual Hamilton Bylaws. Hamilton is stunning and majestic and complying to Hamilton fencing bylaws can keep it that way while helping you avoid paying fines. Benefits for Hamilton Fence Bylaw Compliance For those looking into getting their own fence installed, be sure to account for these challenges: Increased property value: bylaws take into account the aesthetics of your neighbourhood and city to ensure your property and adjacent real estate reflects their proper value during appraisal. Avoids costs of by-law infraction: Hamilton has a number of fencing bylaws, particularly for residents with pools, and lack of compliance will result in rework and fines. Lost time due to rework: if a bylaw variance is found you will be required to rework your fence to ensure compliance, meaning wasted time and effort in having to acquire and install new parts. Safety of family and coworkers: having a fence in your yard hedging off traffic can help you protect those in your care. The best way to go to avoid these challenges is to let Jay Fencing provide you with our unparalleled focus on your needs with quality workmanship that stands the test of time. Hamilton Fencing Bylaw Quick Facts After spending time and money on your property, fencing the last thing you want is to get tagged with for bylaw infraction. Here are some quick tips on how to stay compliant. This is by no means a replacement for a full review of the actual Hamilton bylaw. Maximum height non-industrial: 2.0m for non-industrial or non-farming zones. Maximum height industrial/farming: 3.0m. Parking obstruction: ensure that the fence does not obstruct parking zones. Avoid using sheet and corrugated metal: avoid using the aforementioned materials in your fence when you are in a residential area or in the Niagara Escarpment zones. Avoid using barbed wire fencing: avoid using the aforementioned material for your fence unless you are using it for industrial or farming purposes. Avoid running electric current in your fence: unless for the purposes of keeping animals penned in on a farming property. The electric fence must also meet the guidelines set out by Canadian Standards Association. These highlights will help you get started, but be sure to talk to our qualified team and review the full bylaw. If a property’s fence is enclosing a pool, other specific regulations will apply. Hamilton Fencing Bylaws: Residential Fence Height Exceptions A fence may be 2.4m height or 2.0m if located on a deck/elevated platform unless: located at least 1.2m from a side lot line, not including a side lot line where a common or party wall is located. located at least 3.0m from a rear lot line, and no more than 4.5m in length. A fence gate may exceed the previously stated height exceptions in the following ways: 0.3m additional height allowance for fence gates (2.7/2.3m). 0.4m additional height allowance for an archway forming an entrance or exit. 0.15m additional height allowance for a decorative cap or structural post. Hamilton Fencing Bylaws for Existing Fences If your fence was completed on or before June 9, 2010, and was in compliance to the bylaws at that time, it remains compliant, as long as the fence has the same: Height Length Material If there weren’t any bylaws at the time of your fence completion, the current Hamilton Bylaw will apply instead. Hamilton Fencing Bylaw Fines Try as they may, residents of Hamilton can find themselves with bylaw fines. An order to change your face can take immediate effect providing notice has been given, if the cost is under $10,000 dollars (Bylaw Section 14). Any person who violates the bylaws can be subject to the following fines upon conviction: First conviction: a fine of no more than $10,000 or $50,000 (for corporations). Subsequent Conviction: a fine of no more than $25,000 or $100,000 (for corporations). Having a qualified and knowledgeable fencing expert can help you avoid $10,000 to $100,000 in fines. The small fee is well worth the safety when it comes to complying to Hamilton fence bylaws. Hamilton Fence Bylaw Compliant Designs and Installation Our customers know to look for the Jay Fencing experience, featuring quality workmanship, timely installation, undisruptive service, and friendly staff if there are questions or additional requirements. Services and products are selected for your specific needs and tailored to ensure complete satisfaction. Jay Fencing offers the following product categories. You can let the team know if you don’t see what you’re looking for. Here are just some of the few quality projects we’ve completed across Ontario. Feel free to take a look at the other property enhancing products and services Jay Fencing provides. Don’t Settle for Anything less than Convenience, Privacy, Compliance, and Workmanship Having worked with clients on properties of all shapes and sizes around the Hammer city, we have the understanding and practical know-how to ensure great looking fences that are also uncompromising in security and bylaw compliance. Hamilton is a growing city and improving the look and feel your home can be less expensive and more convenient than you think. Here is what others have said about Jay Fencing. Jay Fencing is the best service provider to determine which fencing option is right for you in Hamilton. Reach out to the Jay Fencing team today. Let Jay Fencing deal with the fine print and bylaws and the hassles while you enjoy your property in the Hammer city. With Jay Fencing you can expect these services every time we serve you: Careful consideration of community requirements Personal and property security Privacy Protected play for children and pets Over 28 years of experience delivering quality service to our clients The only thing Jay Fencing is more passionate about than from historic landmarks is the quality and workmanship of fencing to suit all purposes and needs. We service customers
Bylaw Summary: Fencing Rules and Regulations for Fencing in Waterloo
When considering a fence project or an enclosure around your pool, don’t get caught with by-law complaints leading to costs for re-work or fines of ($350- $25,000 for first offences) on your fences. Jay Fencing is your expert advisor on planning and installing by-law compliant perimeters that also impress visually. This article features a highlight of resources for those planning a fencing project, followed by key items to consider when building residential or commercial perimeters.
Jay Fencing Customer Reviews
This post highlights customer success stories of working with Jay Fencing offering how we help creatively and effectively assist business and home owners with their fencing needs. Listing of Jay Fencing Customer Reviews Jay Fencing customers are here to share what it was like working with Jay Fencing for their fencing and perimeter projects. Products like access panels, gates, railings, and custom projects are all served by Jay Fencing. See here for more products. These quick customer reviews are ordered by date starting with the most recent submissions at the top, for a full listing of customer reviews see here. Jay Fencing services customers everywhere from Stratford to Brantford, Mississauga to Fergus, and everywhere in between. Book a consultation today and Jay Fencing can help you avoid the hassle of choosing the right products and service.
By-law Summary: Fencing Rules and Regulations for Fencing in Guelph
When considering a fence project for your property, avoid stumbling over re-work or fines levied for overlooking city by-laws. Jay Fencing is your expert advisor on planning and installing by-law compliant perimeters. Guelph By-Laws Resources Relating to Fencing Once your fencing or pool project is complete, the last thing you want is to be served a notice of by-law infraction. This may lead a property owner to have to pay for additional materials and labour to comply with city by-laws. Unfinished fencing projects can also be an eyesore in neighborhoods or commercial centres. The following links are to key by-law related documents: Getting Started with Fences for Pools & Hot Tubs A permit is required for fencing projects which serve as a perimeter for pools or hot tubs for the purposes of swimming, diving, or bathing, and which the depth at any point can exceed 600mm (23 1/2 inches). Complete permit application and submit fee Submit a copy of the lot Survey (to scale) showing the location, shape, and size of the proposed pool. Indicate pool fence and gate locations. Indicate the distance from the edge of the pool to all property lines. Sketch on the survey all accessory structures (decks, sheds, garages) with dimensions. Submit pool specs (from pool contractor) –actual square footage of water Summary for Fences on Properties with Pool or Hot Tub There are many factors to be aware of when considering what by-laws must be met when building a fence for a pool. Owners are to ensure the fence surrounding a swimming pool or hot tub meets the following requirements: Is located minimum .5 metres (1’8”) away from any other fence or permanent object that may help climb the fence around the pool is erected and maintained in a structurally sound condition so as to prevent access to the swimming pool or hot tub when not in use Have a maximum opening of .1 metre (4”) between the bottom of the fence and the ground at any point directly below the fence Has no barbed wire or electric current through any portion of the fence These gate requirements are also in place when they serve to secure a pool or hot tub. Gates must have self-closing and self-latching mechanisms and be maintained in proper working order at all times Every self-latching device is installed on the swimming pool side of each gate near the top of the gate and such device is at least 1.2 metres (3’11”) above ground level Every gate is locked at all times when the swimming pool or pool area is not being used See here for additional details for by-law compliance. When planning for a fencing project or pool the city of Guelph may be contacted ( Building Services – 519-837-5615) to support by-law compliance. Summary for Residential Fences Permits are not required for fences that do not enclose a pool or hot tub. Here are a number of key items that should be satisfied when planning for a fence, based on a guide provided by the City of Guelph. Fence Styles – Fence styles are not regulated when enclosure does not contain a pool or hot tub Drainage – fences should not obstruct, alter, or prevent flow of water drainage Avoid Damage to City Infrastructure – Before digging, confirm that you will not damage city utilities such as gas, electrical, telephone, and cable. Contact Ontario One Call at 1-800-400-2255 or before digging. Overview of Fence Restrictions for Residential Zones Fencing restrictions for residential properties are divided into 4 scenarios. Additional or alternative regulations may be in effect as Guelph also has specific by-law zoning requirements. See here to determine which zoning by-law you are to adhere to. The guidelines provided here are not substitutes for the city of Guelph’s by-laws. For full details see General Provisions by-law. Area 1 Maximum fence height: 0.8 metres (2 feet, 7 inches) Area 2 Maximum fence height: 1.9 metres (6 feet, 2 inches) Area 3 Maximum fence height in rear yard: 2.5 metres (8 feet, 2 inches) Maximum fence height in exterior side yard: 2.5 metres (8 feet, 2 inches) – in regards to the longest street frontage on a corner lot from the midpoint of the house to the rear property line Minimum distance from property/street line: 4 metres (13 feet, 1 inch) Area 4 Maximum fence height: 0.8 metres (2 feet, 7 inches) above the traveled portion of abutting streets The information in this article is offered as a guideline. Planners of fencing projects are encouraged to refer to the resources above for full details of pool and fencing by-laws. Overview of Fence Restrictions for Commercial Zones For fencing planning on projects that are located on commercial, park, urban reserve or institution zones, the following regulations are to be adhered to. Maximum height of front, side, or exterior side yard: 1.6 metres in height Minimum distance from street line: 4 metres for fences on the front, side, or exterior side yard. Unless the height of the fence is less than 0.8 metres Maximum height of rear yard: 1.8 metres (see by-law 4.20.4.i for exceptions) Additional rules apply for Industrial or Aggregate Extraction Zones within the General Provisions by-law. Jay Fencing Frees You from Dealing with By-Laws Having worked with clients on properties of all shapes and sizes, we have the deep understanding and practical know-how to ensure great looking fences that meet by-laws in Guelph. If you have had a fence on your property for a number of years and are not certain if you meet city by-law, let Jay Fencing help you determine compliance. Here is what others have said about Jay Fencing: [testimonials_slider ids=”1701,1678″] The best way to determine which fencing option is for you is to reach out to Jay Fencing Ltd. Let Jay Fencing deal with the fine print and by-laws while you focus on your business and family, all at the very best value. With Jay Fencing you can expect these services every time we serve you: Careful consideration to community requirements Personal and property security Privacy Protected play for children and pets Over 28 years of experience delivering quality
By-law Summary: Fencing Rules and Regulations for Fencing in Cambridge
When considering a fence project or an enclosure around your pool, don’t get caught with by-law complaints leading to costs for re-work or fines on your fences. Jay Fencing is your expert advisor on planning and installing by-law-compliant perimeters. For residents who aren’t sure about whether their existing fence is by-law compliant, feel free to contact us for more information. The information provided is a summary of key items and is in no way a substitute for an actual review of by-laws on property maintenance which may be found here. Cambridge By-Laws Resources Relating to Fencing Once your fencing or pool project is complete, the last thing you want is to be served a notice of by-law infraction. This may lead a homeowner to have to pay for additional materials and labour to comply with city by-laws. The following content is a summary of key by-law related documents: Cambridge resource on: Building a Fence If you are planning a fence project in Cambridge it is highly encouraged that you review the by-law or engage with a knowledgeable service provider to ensure your project is compliant. Getting Started with Fencing for Swimming Pools & Hot Tubs There are many factors to consider when endeavoring to be by-law compliant. Here are four quick facts that you should know before getting started. A copy of a survey (plot plan) showing the location of the pool on the site and its distance from all other structures and property lines. A simple description of the pool (in-ground or above ground). A diagram of the type of protection (fence) you will be constructing around the pool or hot tub. An application (obtainable from the Planning Services Department, 73 Water Street North, 3rd floor, Cambridge Place). Summary of By-Law for Fences Enclosing Pool or Hot Tub Fences must be at least 1.5 metres. Chain linked fences are permitted provided they meet regulations. Be aware of the different regulations for above ground and in-ground pools. For wood fences, a lattice for top portion is permitted provided they meet regulations. Save on materials of your fence by using an existing dwelling, building, or accessory building, or part thereof, to enclose your pool. Make sure hot tubs have a tight fitted cover with a locking device or are protected with a 1.5 m minimum high fence. Ensure there are no climbable objects or apparatuses. In such cases, your fence must be 1.5 metres higher than the climbable object or apparatus to meet standards. Key Items: Fences that do not Enclose Pools or Hot Tubs For fences that do not guard pools/hot tubs, no permit is required by the city. There are, however, rules stipulating the height, location, and type of fence permitted. The by-law can be framed in the perspective of residential and commercial/industrial stipulations, based on applicable zoning by-law. Commercial, Industrial, Institutional Barbed wire and snow fencing are permitted for protection of property. A machine generating electric current to project or used in conjunction to a fence is permitted only for farm fences in agricultural zones. Generally, if a fence is located in the back of a building the maximum height is 2.4 metres. For fences located between front lot and building line the maximum height is 2.4 metres. Residential (based on by-law zoning) Barbed wire is prohibited as a form of fencing. Snow fencing is allowed but is not to be permanently placed. Generally, if a fence is located in the back of a building the maximum height is 2.1 metres. For fences located between front lot and building line the maximum height is 0.9 metres. Common Rules For corner lots, fences may be permitted to be erected up t0 2.1 metres unless it is within the corner of the property where it may only stand up to 0.75 metres. Amendments There are instances in which you may have a just cause in installing a fence that does not comply with by-laws. These situations may be reviewed and in some cases, City Council may approve modified fences. Resources for Fencing The following are some resources provided by the city of Cambridge to help you plan and apply for requisite permits. Pool Requirement for public Pool Commitment Form Fence-By-law 92-05 Fence By-law Amendment Application Form Pool Permit Application Jay Fencing Frees You from Dealing with Fencing Rules and Regulations Having worked with clients who owned properties of all shapes and sizes, we have the understanding and practical know-how to ensure great looking fences that meet by-laws in Cambridge. Here is what others have said about Jay Fencing: [testimonials_slider ids=”1701,1678″] The best way to determine which fencing option is right for you is to reach out to Jay Fencing Ltd. Let Jay Fencing deal with the fine print and by-laws while you focus on your business and family, all at the very best value. With Jay Fencing you can expect these services every time we serve you: Careful consideration of community requirements. Personal and property security. Privacy for your family as we construct your project. Protected play zone for children and pets. Over 28 years of experience delivering quality service to our clients. We service customers everywhere from Stratford to Brantford, Mississauga to Fergus, and everywhere in between. Book a consultation today and Jay Fencing can help you pick the right perimeter for your property. Note: For alignment with specific municipal conventions the spelling of by-law or by-law may be used.
Bylaw Summary: Fencing rules and regulations for fencing in Kitchener
When considering a fence project or an enclosure around your pool, don’t get caught red-handed by bylaw complaints leading to costs for re-work or fines($5000 maximum) on your fences. Jay Fencing is your expert advisor on planning and installing bylaw-compliant perimeters. This article features a highlight of resources for those planning a fencing project followed by key items to consider when building residential or commercial perimeters. Kitchener Bylaws Resources Relating to Fencing Once your fencing or pool project is complete, the last thing you want is to be served a notice of bylaw infraction. This may lead a homeowner to have to pay for additional materials and labour to comply with city bylaws. The following content is a summary of key bylaw related documents: Building a Fence Questions and Answers Pool Enclosure Requirements The information provided is a summary of key items and is in no way a substitute for an actual review of by-laws on property maintenance which may be found here. Key Topics for Fencing Rules and Regulations Results of Nonconformance If changes are not made to conform to bylaws on receipt of a complaint to the City’s Bylaw Enforcement offices, the following things may happen: Legal action will be taken against you by the city A maximum fine for non-compliance of $5000 Additional costs required to modify your fencing perimeter Driveway Gates Driveway fencing along with a gate are permitted, providing the gate is at least 2.59 meters (8.5ft.) wide Electrical /Barbed Wire Fences Both types of fences are prohibited from residential properties. Electrical and barbed wire fences are both permitted on agriculture properties for the purpose of containing livestock Barbed wire fences are permitted on these bases as well: The wire sits on top of a fence on top of a commercial property, with wires projecting towards the property For recreational, operational, or storage facilities owned and operated by City of Kitchener Things to Know When Building a Residential Fence A permit to construct a fence is only required if it encloses a swimming pool If an exemption is required from the Fence Bylaw an application may be submitted for minor deviations to the City Hall – see here for more info For interior lots(property located in the middle of the block) fences can be a maximum height of: Front yard max height: 0.93 metres (3 ft.) Rear/side yards max height: 2.4 metres (8ft.) For corner lots fences can be a maximum height of: Front yard max height: 0.9 metres (3 ft.) high, within 1.5 metres (5 ft.) of the side lot abutting a street and within any driveway (DVT -see red circle) or corner visibility triangle(CVT – see green circle in image), including a neighbour’s driveway. Alternative front yard max height: 1.82 metres (6ft.) high if the fence is set back at least 1.5 metres (5 ft.) from the side lot abutting a street. Rear and interior side yards max height: 2.4 metres (8 ft.) if they are set back a minimum of 4.5 metres (15 ft.) from the side lot abutting a street Things to Know When Building a Fence for Industrial or Commercial Lots In this instance, the same rules for bylaws apply for residential properties (interior and corner lots) except: Fences can be erected to enclose a front yard if these requirements are satisfied: Minimum distance away from front line: 7.62 metres (25 ft.) from the front line and must not be located within the corner visibility triangle (see image above with red annotations) Summary of Pool Enclosure Requirements Here is an excerpt of the Pool Enclosure Requirements listed in the resources section of the article. These stipulations help ensure the safety and economic use of space for your family, commercial business, and the community. Minimum height of pool enclosure/gate: 1.52 metres ( 5 ft.) Minimum height of pool enclosure: Space between fence and grade not to exceed: 0.10 metres (4 inches) Fence components running horizontally, vertical distance between components must be at least: 0.91 metres (3 ft.) apart or Minimum height of pool enclosure: 0.04 metres (1.5 inches) Distance from fences that do not meet provisions, minimum: 1 metres (3.28 ft.) away If your pool enclosure is within 1 metre (3.28 ft.) of a fence that does not meet provisions , the height of the pool enclose must be at least 2.44 metre (8 ft.) in height Additional Stipulations: Every aspect of fence enclosing a swimming pool will restrict access into the enclosed area No person shall place or lean a moveable object against the enclosure that aids in the climbing of the fence Access for ladders or stairs to above ground pools must be locked or supervised by an adult A pool is not permitted to be filled with water unless it has been enclosed in accordance with provisions (indicated here in full) Jay Fencing Frees You from Dealing with Fencing Rules and Regulations Having worked with clients who owned properties of all shapes and sizes, we have a deep understanding and practical know how ensuring great looking fences that meet bylaws in your city. Here is what others have said about Jay Fencing: [testimonials_slider ids=”1701,1678″] The best way to determine which fencing option is for you is to reach out to Jay Fencing Ltd. Let Jay Fencing deal with the fine print and bylaws while you focus on your business and family, all at the very best value. With Jay Fencing you can expect these services every time we serve you: Careful consideration to community requirements Personal and property security Privacy Protected play for children and pets Over 28 years of experience delivering quality service to Kitchener-Waterloo clients We service customers everywhere from Stratford, to Brantford, to Mississauga, to Fergus and everyone in between. Book a consultation today and Jay Fencing can help you pick the right perimeter for your property.
City of Hamilton Fencing Bylaw Summary
Fencing is a great way to improve your property’s value, aesthetics, occupant safety, and provide you with the privacy to focus on what is important. Jay Fencing helps residents and business owners in Hamilton with securing their property with the right fencing solutions. Click here to find out how we can help you install or design your best bet against privacy issues and hassles in the Electric City today. This article features highlights of Hamilton fencing bylaws and is in no way a replacement for the review of the actual Hamilton Bylaws.