How To Deal With A Bad Fencing Contractor

We have talked a lot and written articles on the tell-tale signs that the fencing contractor you are considering may not be the right one for you. One of these is searching the Better Bussiness Bureau for their list of accredited fencing contractors in London, Ontario. But what if you realize too late that you have a bad contractor on your hands? Mind you, the contractor will act faultlessly while negotiating the contract and only start to show their true colours after you have paid them a deposit. Here are some common scenarios of contractor trouble: The contractor no longer picks your calls The pace of the work is slower than agreed The contractor seems to have abandoned the work The contractor is negligent and damages property The quality of the work is poor What To Do With a Bad Fencing Contractor Unfortunately, a contractor that suddenly doesn’t pick up calls after you have paid them may mean you have been scammed. It is common that you will hold up hope the contractor will pitch up soon ready to start work. But if you don’t hear from them a week after paying them, take decisive steps to recover your money. A good place to start looking for a contractor who has disappeared on you is the local fencing contractors association or registration board. If you can track them down, start legal action to recover your money. Otherwise, report the matter to the police. In the other cases, here’s what you can do: 1. Discuss your concerns with the contractor Some contractor issues can be talked over. At times a contractor may simply not have understood the design brief and neglected some fence features you are particularly keen on. If you catch this early and raise it with the contractor, they may be able to fix them and avoid costly remedial work later. Other times you will realize too late that the work was not done according to the contract agreement. Still, try not to be confrontational and raise your concerns calmly. If the work deviates too far from what you agreed in the contract, the contractor has to take responsibility and be willing to settle it in a way that pleases you. If a dispute arises, be prepared to sue. Hopefully, the contract had enough protection for you against this eventuality. Either way, seek the guidance of a lawyer. 2. Fire the contractor In cases where the standard of the work is so poor you can’t let the contractor continue, you may have to fire them. Similarly, if the contractor is taking too long to finish work, you may have to get another to finish the work. Should you have to fire the fencing contractor for poor workmanship, expect that they will fight back. So be sure that the contractor has breached the contract you signed with them. Where you are unhappy with the pace of the work, it helps if you had a timeline written into the contract. 3. File a claim on their surety bond In cases of poor workmanship, another viable avenue for recourse is to file a claim on the contractor’s surety bond. This is why they have it and why they reference it when bidding for work. Get a copy of the contractor’s surety bond and file a claim against it. Where the contractor damaged property, take pictures and collect other evidence that can help your case if the matter can’t be resolved between yourselves and you have to sue. If the contractor has an insurance policy against property damage, it may help keep you out of court. Suing Your Fencing Contractor In London, ON It’s possible you will exhaust all options for an amicable resolution to a contract dispute. If you had hired an unlicensed contractor, the licensing board may refuse to mediate your case. The courts may be your last option. The law in Ontario allows you to sue your fencing contractor for an unfulfilled contract. Your success with this route, however, depends on the merits of your case and on the terms you had agreed in the contract. When you sue for poor workmanship, know that you have to do it in stages, starting with sending a complaint, collecting evidence, and going for arbitration with the professional body the contractor is registered with. When all fails to produce a resolution, you can then approach the courts where it can still go either way. Jay Fencing is an experienced, fully bonded fencing contractor serving London, Ontario. We do it right the first time. Contact us today to discuss your fencing requirements.
What Makes a Good Commercial Fence?

Businesses in Cambridge, as indeed everywhere else, face many risks. But if there is one all-consuming concern for every business owner, it has to be physical security. To ensure your assets are secure, and your staff is safe, a good commercial-grade fence is a bare minimum. What makes a good commercial fence, though? How to Choose a Suitable Commercial-grade Fence A good commercial fence protects your business property, physical assets, and employees from thieves, vandals, and other trespassers. In essence, a good fence is one that keeps out unwanted visitors. While a good commercial fence has to be secure, it must accomplish a bit more than that. And because every business is unique, you have to choose the right fence for your business. Luckily, you have more than enough options. To select the right fence for your Cambridge business, ask yourself the following questions. If you are short on time, you can always seek the guidance of a commercial fencing contractor. 1. What is the Main Purpose of My Fence? This may sound like an odd question to ask, but we don’t look for the same qualities in a fence. While we all instinctively feel we have to protect our premises from unwanted visitors, we don’t all face the same security threats. Some areas are safer than others. For a lot of businesses, the need to increase commercial curb appeal is just as, if not, more important than securing assets. If that’s you, the more ornamental wrought iron fence will work much better than a chain-link fence that tends to be plain and uninteresting. Privacy is another quality other business owners prioritize in a fence. Depending on the nature of your business, you may decide to keep your premises totally blocked off from the street. That is why masonry wall fences, which combine privacy and security, are a popular choice in industrial districts. Vinyl fences are a cheaper option that offers great privacy. 2. What is the Weather Like in My Area? Weather plays an important role in your choice of fence, whether it is for your commercial or residential area. Different fencing materials have varying tolerances for the elements. Wood fences, though not very popular for securing commercial properties, do not handle wet conditions and extreme sunlight very well. If a wood fence fits the aesthetic you are looking to create for your commercial property, be prepared to spend more on maintenance costs. For fencing options that have great weather resistance, consider chain-link, wrought iron, and vinyl fencing. These are also good low-maintenance options. Then again, those options may not be the most suitable if you are looking to create an inviting feel that attracts customers to your business. For that, you need a fence that beautifully complements your building’s design. 3. What is My Budget? Whatever your main purpose is for your commercial fence, you have to balance your needs with your budget. Some fences are more expensive than others. So if security is a priority for you but you are hamstrung by a limited budget, a chain-link fence will be a more practical option than the more secure but pricier wrought iron fence. Ask your fencing contractor what options you have for fencing materials. They are more experienced and best placed to advise on your best options. Do You Need a New Fence for Your Commercial Property in Cambridge? Of course, you don’t always need a new fence. If you already have a fence securing your commercial property, get an experienced commercial fencing contractor to come over and inspect it. All your fence may need are repairs here and there. Wrought iron fences, for example, have a long service life, but they need regular maintenance to keep their looks. Regular painting will keep rust at bay and preserve their rustic beauty. That said, if your fence now costs too much to maintain or no longer meets your security needs, you should look to invest in a new one. Jay Fencing is one of the oldest and most trusted commercial fencing contractors in Cambridge, Ontario. Consider us for your next commercial fencing project.
Fencing Tips Only An Experienced Fencing Contractor Would Share

Fencing Tips Only An Experienced Contractor Would Share You will never quite feel safe nor truly ‘at home’ if your residential property is not securely fenced. To improve both your security and boost your home’s curb appeal, you are probably now considering installing a new fence. You likely have an idea of what shape and form that fence will take. Your choices will depend on your budget, tastes, and level of security and durability you are after, among other considerations. While making the right choices on the type of fence is central to the success of your project, the fencing contractor you choose can also play a pivotal role. There are many fencing contractors in Toronto, so it is easy to make the wrong choice. Choosing the right contractor ensures the project is delivered on time and within your budget. That’s not all it can do for you: Tap into your fencing contractor’s experience for guidance on the most functional fencing solutions When you look at it, your fencing contractor is your best possible guide for choosing a fencing solution that meets your needs and budget. If you choose the right contractor, it is likely they will have years of local experience. That experience gives them indispensable knowledge you can utilize by simply asking the right questions. At Jay Fencing, we have been serving Southern Ontario for over 30 years. When it comes to choosing fencing solutions, we can confidently separate the good from the bad. We know, for example, how Toronto’s brutal and wet winters can ravage wooden fences and, importantly, how best you can protect yours so you can get the longest service from it. Below we share fencing tips an inexperienced fencing contractor would never speak authoritatively on. Maximizing your fence’s security Whether or not you live in a high crime area, you will sleep better knowing you have a fence so secure that any intruder would not have it all their way if they choose to cross your property line. But a strong fence that isn’t easy to breach can easily be interpreted as one that’s expensive to install. Is it, though? Use an anti-climb fence topper to discourage intrusions Fence toppers are an inexpensive way to prevent burglars from climbing over your fence. Generally, the harder you make it to climb over your fence the less likely vandals and thieves are to try to break in. You have probably seen razor wire fence toppers on chain link fences. But a good fencing contractor can fashion a fence topper for almost any type of fence. For example, for your wood stockade privacy fence, we would suggest fitting angled steel spikes. Of course, there are questions to answer on fence height regulations. Adding a fence topper after the fact can mean your fence may end up taller than local regulations allow. Because we have built many types of fences with toppers over the years, we would know to suggest making one part of the fence’s design. This way you know your fence will be secure and still meet code. Ensure adequate lighting around your fence For intruders and burglars, darkness is often the best cover. In our experience, even the best fences can be breached if the intruder has adequate enough cover. If you have limited street lighting, consider installing security lights along your fence’s perimeter. But make sure the lighting is inaccessible from outside. Some criminals will try to disable the lights so they can climb the fence unnoticed. Fencing tips for privacy Unsurprisingly, privacy is a top concern for homeowners in Toronto. And it should be. Your residential property is one of the few places where you can still live relatively inconspicuously. Step outside your gate and your right to privacy isn’t guaranteed. The challenge is to make sure you get a fence that keeps nosy neighbors out of your business but still not make your property look like a maximum-security prison. You can very easily end up with a fence that barely looks like nothing you had in mind. Privacy fences don’t have to be dull and boring Vinyl and stockade fences are some of our favorite options where fences that deliver on looks, security, and privacy are concerned. That said, we know that each has its place and will suit a specific type of property. In our time we have seen privacy fence failures that we are motivated to ensure you avoid. Most important, we will make sure your fence allows you to enjoy your outdoor living spaces with relative seclusion without hiding or distracting from your property’s best features. Effective fencing solutions that will not break the bank You may want to work with an experienced fencing contractor for the reason that they can point you towards more budget-friendly solutions. Even so, we have been in this business long enough to know that a fence can be cheap to build and yet be expensive to maintain in the long run. While wood is a cheaper fencing material that also has great appeal for its warmth and sustainability as a natural material, it is more expensive to maintain and won’t last as long as vinyl. Are you are struggling to decide between two or more fencing materials? We will happily share our experience with each as well as their general pros and cons so you can make the right choice for your fencing project. Unusual fencing materials that may not quickly come to mind When you have been in an industry as long as we have, you can be tempted to think you have seen it all. But every day we are surprised at the ingenuity and creativity of property owners and fellow fencing contractors. We have, of course, not seen it all. But we have seen a