Security Fence – Analysis of the Security Level of 5 Common Designs

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With so many designs and options for security fences,  residential and commercial customers need to know which ones stand above the rest. Jay Fencing has experience working with an extensive line of wrought iron gate and chain fencing designs. Click here to find out how we can help you install your next automated driveway gate. This article highlights security features such as durability against collisions, projectile resiliency, scaling deterrence, damage absorption, sounds protection, and visibility privacy. Read on to see which home and institutional designs stood out above the rest.

security fence comparisonThe Best Designs and the Rest

All other things being equal, the security factors of any fence has pros and cons. Here is a listing of the top security fence designs and how they stack up against one another. Depending on client context, however, it is often difficult to determine the best brand without an expert advisor. Starting with the best and leading into honourable mentions, this guide helps bring you up to speed on the many types of security fence designs.

Security Fence Analysis

This publication features an analysis of home and institutional perimeter guards. A number of factors were considered, including durability from collisions, projectile resiliency, scaling deterrence, damage absorption, sound protection, and visibility privacy. A design may perform differently based on the environment it is installed in.  Working with a qualified installer can help you sort out which is truly right for you. Here are the top designs which offer ideas for commercial and residential projects.

tight meshed fence design#5 Tight Meshed Security Fence

Pros: Due to the tight meshed elements used to construct this fence, this design offers anti-climb features and a strong deterrent to scaling on height alone. The fence also does well to keep out objects of a variety of sizes with it’s tight knit design improving upon typical chain linked constructs. Collisions against this type of fence spread the impact throughout the mesh, giving it impressive resiliency.

Cons: Sound and visibility protection is a vulnerability for this type of fence. An opportunity for improvement would be to increase the size of the posts to provide added security against car collisions.




staggered home security fence#4 Staggered Pathway Home Security Fence

Pros: Different levels of elevation help ensure that each unit can withstand an impact while minimizing the impact to adjacent blocks. The fence effectively safeguards property assets from vehicle collisions. The pickets at the top offer a rudimentary deterrent against climbing. This fence offers quick setup compared to other designs all things equal. This design offers more strength and durability compared to chain linked fencing.

Cons: The privacy is limited without shrubs or greenery as property belongings are easily seen otherwise.




home security fence#3 High Profile Home Security Fence

Pros: Providing impact does not damage the exterior frames, the internal modular design provides an opportunity to swap out damaged or worn out planks providing greater life span.  The high design not only deters unwanted climbers, but also provides privacy on the visibility front that improved upon a chain linked fence. This type of fence is also quick to install as foundations are typically set in soil rather than cement.

Cons: Because of its modular design, it may be difficult to contain sounds coming in or emanating from a property. Based on the fabrication of components this fence may require longer periods to




Residential Chain Link Fence #20#2 Versatile Fencing

Pros: A unique mix of comprehensive durability and aesthetics. The chain linked fence offers durability towards collisions or projectiles. The towering height of this fence also makes it difficult to climb. Lastly, the security screen beneath the chain link offers visibility and climbing protection that is uncommon for regular chain linked fences.

Cons: With any integrated perimeter, replacing portions of the fence may cause difficulty, but in terms of security this fence stands tall. This fence would not do well against on-coming vehicles but serves well in a typical residential setting. It will also typically take longer  to install than common chain fences.



Security fence institution / business#1 Commercial /Institutional Fence

Pros: The heavy gauge wiring is difficult to tamper or to circumvent with conventional pliers or cutting instruments. The top of the fence also provides added security to prevent intruders from getting in. The solid heaven gauge post make it resistant to collisions with vehicles and other projectiles. The difference between the security grade of this design compared to chain linked fences are in favour of the former.

Cons: Visibility protection could be improved with a screen behind the meshed metal to ensure sound and institutional operations are kept confidential.


Jay Fencing Offers Gate Design Expertise and Installation

Having worked with clients on properties of all shapes and sizes, we have the understanding and practical know-how to ensure great looking fences that are also uncompromising in security. Here is what others have said about Jay Fencing:

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The best way to determine which fencing option is right for you is to reach out to Jay Fencing Ltd. Let Jay Fencing deal with the fine print and bylaws and security headaches while you focus on your business and family, all at the very best value. With Jay Fencing you can expect these services every time we serve you:

  • Careful consideration of community requirements
  • Personal and property security
  • Privacy
  • Protected play for children and pets
  • Over 28 years of experience delivering quality service to our clients

We service customers everywhere from Stratford to Brantford,  Mississauga to Fergus, and everywhere in between. Book a consultation today and Jay Fencing can help you pick the right perimeter for your property.

You can rely on the knowledge and experience of Jay Fencing Ltd. Feel confident that we will recommend only the fencing that meets your specific needs and budget.

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