Driveway Gates Guide – Get Both Form And Function Right

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What do you consider when deciding on a driveway gate for your new home or renovation project?

Many people choose form over function. After all, the driveway gate is what visitors to your home see and interact with first. So it is excusable that you will put greater thought into how the gate looks over how it functions.

When you consider the purpose of a driveway gate, though, it is clear function matters as much as the appearance. This guide looks at the various considerations for a gate that appeals to both functionalists and aesthetes.

What To Consider When Selecting a Driveway Gate

#01. Security

If you’re an aesthete, a good driveway gate is one that looks good and complements the design of the house. But at Jay Fencing , we are big on security. A good gate must protect the property first, meaning it must secure your family and everything that sits on the property.

You have to consider the strength and stability of the gate itself. How hard is it for criminals to breach it, what materials is it made of, how high is it …? Generally, steel and wrought iron make strong secure gates.

Depending on their design, wooden gates are quite secure, too. Of course, you also have to consider the gate’s attachment as well, for a driveway gate is only as secure as the posts of piers that hold it in place.

#02. Accessibility: Manual Or Automatic?

Important is your choice between a manual and an automatic gate, too. In most cases, manually operated driveway gates are only as secure as the level of crime in your neighborhood. For a gate to be secure, it must lock well and be safe and easy to operate, opening and closing swiftly.

Automatic gates, though more expensive, have many great advantages. But you must pay particular attention to the gate’s implications on the safety of young children and pates.

To bump up the security and functionality of your automatic driveway gates, consider the different accessories available. There are intercoms, magnetic locks, vehicle and motion detection sensors, programmable timers, and remote entry. An automatic driveway gate that gives you hands-free access when opening and closing the gate is desirable, especially when driving.

#03. The Architecture Of The House

A good driveway gate spots a design that complements the design of the house it secures. You want a driveway gate that looks as good as the house it frames. Beyond that, a good looking gate will boost the property’s curb appeal and give it good resale value.

Beyond the architecture of the house, consider the landscaping and the style of the fencing. Look to create a cohesive look for the property as a whole by choosing materials and a gate design that matches your landscaping and design of the house.

#04. The Slope Of The Driveway

If your home sits on a hill and the driveway has a steep slope, the choice between a sliding and a swing gate is taken away from you. A single swing gate will be impractical. If the driveway slopes into the property and the slope isn’t too steep, a bi-swing gate may still work, though. Otherwise, a sliding gate will be your only choice.

You may want to ask, which side should the gate open?

Unless you have the advantage of ample space outside your gate, in most jurisdictions gates are supposed to open inwards. You wouldn’t your gate to obstruct and endanger the safety of pedestrians. Look up your local city codes for the best guidance on this.

#05. Budget

Other considerations aside, the type of driveway gate you choose, including the materials, design, and means of access and operation ultimately depend on your budget. The most secure and best-looking gates will cost more than the basic, moderately secure driveway gates.

If you’ve decided on an automatically operated driveway gate, there is the additional cost of the automated system itself. Add landscaping costs and you can end up with a big bill to settle. To avoid headaches, decide how much you can afford to spend and then work backward.

Jay Fencing is a top installer of both commercial and residential driveway gates in Kitchener, Waterloo, Toronto, Mississauga, Hamilton and all over Ontario. Our experts have many experience experience many types of driveway gates. Contact us for a free quote.

You can rely on the knowledge and experience of Jay Fencing Ltd. Feel confident that we will recommend only the fencing that meets your specific needs and budget.

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