5 Chain Link Fence Maintenance Tips: How To Maintain Your Chain Link Fence To Last Longer

Chain link fences have all the essential qualities you need in a fence. They are strong, affordable, and secure. Another quality that endears this fence type to both residential and commercial property owners is they hardly need any maintenance. The outdoor environment is, however, tough for anything that rusts. The weather in Brantford, which gets very wet, doesn’t help either. So despite its celebrated durability, your chain link fence will still benefit from some regular maintenance. It will last even longer, looking just as good. Here are tips on how to maintain your chain link fence: 1. Keep Your Fence Clean Chain link fences trap a lot of dirt and debris because of their design. While this does not immediately damage the fence, it does make it look unkempt. Too much dust and debris will also trap moisture that will eventually cause your fence to rust. Make it a habit to regularly clean your fence of dust and other dirt. You can hose it down or, if it’s oily, lightly scrub it with wire steel and soapy water. 2. Do Not Allow Trees To Grow Through Your Fence Chain link fences do not damage easily but if you let vines grow through yours they will not hold up as well. Yes, all that greenery on the fence does look appealing, but the cost is usually the structural integrity of the fence. What happens is as the vines or hedge grows, they will lift the fence off the ground, leaving an opening through which pets can escape and wild animals can sneak in. Besides that, as the vines grow through the links the wire may break creating holes that will make the fence less secure. 3. Maintain A Fireguard While fire will not completely damage a chain-link fence, it will weaken and make it less structurally sound. The steel wire becomes soft and more likely to break. On top of that, fire removes the galvanized finish that protects the fence from rusting. To protect your fence from fire, clear the immediate surroundings of the fence of anything that burns. Better yet, maintain a fireguard. Speaking of rusting: 4. Refinish The First At The First Sight Of Rust Rust is a chain-link fence’s worst enemy. First, that orange, rusted appearance doesn’t look very nice. It makes the fence look old and neglected. Hardly the look you want for your Brantford property. Even worse than the aesthetic degradation is the actual physical damage rust can cause. As your fence corrodes rust slowly but surely eats away the wire and the supporting posts, weakening and making them more susceptible to breaking. You can prevent the worst effects of rust on your fence by acting early. Since rust itself is a sign that the protective galvanized finish has worn off, the simple solution is to refinish the fence with metallic, anti-rust paint. Before you apply any new finish, it is crucial that you prep the fence by cleaning off all rust and dirt. Otherwise, the new finish will not adhere. Vinegar is known to be effective at softening rust. It is environmentally sustainable, too, even for removing mold. Follow the paint manufacturer’s instructions when refinishing, but wait until it has fully dried. 5. Attend to Repairs Timeously The best way to deal with rust is to catch it early. If you leave it to spread the refinishing job can become too overwhelming. So it is a good habit to regularly inspect your chain link fence for rust and physical damage. Check areas to the bottom of the fence as they are more likely to rust. Pay particular attention to the upright and supporting posts as these hold the fence together. Areas where the fence appears to sag typically points to an issue that needs to be attended to quickly. Jay Fencing is the leading chain-link fence installation and repair contractor in Brantford, ON. Whether it is to fix a broken fence to install a new one from scratch, we are at your service. Contact us here to discuss your needs.
New COVID-19 Restrictions In Ontario As Non-Essential Construction Is Suspended

If you’ve been looking to start the new on a triumphant note by finally finishing your basement or by adding a gazebo to your residential property in the Toronto suburbs, you will have to freeze your home improvement plans for the time being. New Covid-19 restrictions announced by the Province of Ontario and which came into effect Thursday, January 13th have banned all non-essential construction. The new enhanced enforcement measures seek to reduce mobility, suppress new infections, and save lives. Rising Infections Appear to Have Forced the Provincial Government’s Hand As of Friday, January 15th, 2021, Canada’s Covid-19 case count had topped 694, 000. Almost 17,800 Canadians had succumbed to the virus. The Province of Ontario has the second-highest number of infections and deaths. Recently released modeling data show that, unless contacts are reduced significantly, Ontario’s healthcare system will soon be stretched. Fatalities will outpace those recorded in the pandemic’s first wave, even with the vaccination program currently underway. The rising infections have alarmed the provincial government and forced the latest round of restrictions. The province was already under a 28-day lockdown that came into effect on Christmas eve last year. Non-essential Construction. What Projects are Affected? The newly enforced restrictions, which have seen non-essential construction being suspended, will be in force for 28 days. With community transmission spiraling out of control, the Ontario provincial government hopes the new restrictions will pull the breaks on the rising Covid-19 case count. If you are a homeowner, property developer, or contractor, you will be interested to know just which types of construction the Ontario government considers to be non-essential. It’s hard to compile the full list of construction projects the Ontario government feels can wait, at least until the pandemic is under control. The easiest way is to work off of the list of projects considered essential. The provincial government wants you to suspend works if your planned construction project does not fall under the following: Projects associated with healthcare and long term care (LTC) Critical infrastructure, including schools, roads, as well as any work necessary for preparing a site for a residential, industrial, or institutional development Any construction project that falls under the Investing in Canada Infrastructure program. Industrial construction projects as well as surveying and demolition services Select major construction works due for completion before July 2021 Construction for projects that provide housing and shelter for vulnerable persons Construction projects that support broadband and cellular services and technologies. Looking at the list of permitted construction projects, what stands out is that all small home improvement construction isn’t considered important enough to start in the face of a rapidly deteriorating public health emergency. If you are unsure if your construction project qualifies for exemption under the new stay-at-home order, you can read the announcement here. A Balancing Act Between Saving Lives and Keeping the Economy Ticking
COVID-19 Update

Jay Fencing Ltd. is open & we intend to continue to conduct our business with precautions until directed otherwise. During this time of the CoronaVirus (Covid19) outbreak uncertainty the safety of our employees, customers & community is our primary concern. We are following guidelines on social distancing, hygiene and sanitization. We want to continue to provide our customers with the services that they expect from us! If you book an on-site consultation with one of our estimators please understand that we will maintain a safe distance during any discussions. Jay Fencing Ltd. was built on shaking hands and connecting with people but if you wish to direct us in advance of the areas to have estimated and avoid contact then we completely understand and can work with that. We will offer you the option to email you the estimate and relevant information to avoid having to leave physical documents with you. Please provide your email address when booking an appointment. If you are or become unwell after booking your appointment, please call or email us in advance to reschedule so we all can take extra precautions to protect our staff and their families, as we continue to serve you. Thank you & Be Well!
5 Reasons Why Your Home Will Benefit From A Deck Installation

A well-tended backyard can be a convenient escape after hectic weeks at the office. Just grab a book and a good bottle of wine and park yourself down on a rocking chair for some much needed alone time. More than that, with the right infrastructure in place, that backyard becomes the perfect area for entertaining friends with a leisurely lunch on a Saturday afternoon. But how can you make your backyard more livable and transform it into a classy outdoor extension of your home? The short answer: by adding a deck. Investing in a custom deck for your home in Toronto has many other benefits, which we will discuss in this article. Read on for more. Benefits Of Adding A Deck To Your Residential Property In Toronto 1. A perfect excuse to spend more time outdoors Spending time outdoors has many benefits for your health and wellbeing. Besides all the fun stuff you can do there, of course. Science has proven that spending time outdoors gives you a greater energy boost than you can get from a cup of coffee, for example. Spending time outdoors has also been shown to reduce the risk of nearsightedness. In one study, subjects recorded marginal pain relief and lesser stress after they were exposed to high-intensity sunlight. Time spent outdoors is also considered to reduce the risk of developing myopia. Also, if you work in a creative field, like writing, graphic design, or music production, the outdoors can help stimulate your creative senses. We could add more reasons why you should spend more time outdoors. But it is worth noting that many people simply lack personally justifiable excuses to spend time outside. Again, they may not have the time to walk to the nearest park. Building a deck at your own house gives you a good excuse to spend more time outdoors. Note, too, that a deck offers an easily accessible living space that you can decorate to suit your style 2. Boosts your home’s value As a homeowner, it is prudent that you consider the chances that any improvement you will make to your home comes at a cost you can recover when you eventually sell. As it is one of the most coveted features on residential properties, a deck will help you get a quicker sale, too. According to a survey by Remodelling Magazine, a $10,347 investment in a new deck can add as much as $8, 835 to a property’s value. Very few investments have such a high return. What makes a deck such an appealing addition to your property is, besides its excellent utility, it is also one of the cheapest improvements you can make to your home. Not just that, a deck addition can be accomplished fairly quickly, which means it will not be long before you are throwing parties and entertaining friends on your deck. Speaking of entertaining: 3. Entertain like a boss Nothing beats an outdoor party featuring your closest friends and family. But a private party needs to be hosted in a private space that is screened from the glare of the public. And there is nothing like the feeling of knowing that you are the only one in your circle of friends with a property that has the right amenities for hosting a private outdoor party. An expansive deck can serve as your party’s main entertaining area where your music and catering equipment sits. If you intend to host parties and celebrations with friends and family in your backyard with your deck serving as the main entertaining area, there are a few features you can add to make it a truly custom party space: Consider adding outdoor lighting to take your celebrations well into the night. As well as providing light, outdoor chandeliers will make a strong visual statement, as will hidden rope and market lights. If you live in close proximity to a public place, it may also be a good idea to add privacy screens for your deck to ensure more seclusion for this private space. Another good idea is to incorporate a pavilion into the deck design. This will give you a place to shelter from the rain or excessive sunshine and will accentuate the space even further. 4. Increased aesthetic appeal Oftentimes we add decks to our homes just for the sake of improving how they look and not necessarily for the value it adds to the property. We want to feel good about the places we live in, especially if they closely mimic our personal style. For this reason, adding a deck allows you a way of putting your personal stamp on your acquired property. It may be true that you bought the home prebuilt and because of it, there will be specific features on the house you don’t particularly like. Adding a deck can serve as a way of obscuring the part of the house you feel doesn’t quite match your style. The advantage is that you can choose a deck design that suits your taste. Also, a deck addition can greatly transform how your property looks without causing any structural alterations to the original building. You can be reassured that this extension to the house won’t be as costly nor compromise its structural integrity. To put it simply, a deck will boost your home’s curb appeal. 5. A cost-effective way of adding more space to your home Considering the often dramatic transformation it brings to your home, as well as its comparatively low expense, adding a deck becomes one of the most cost-effective ways of adding more living space to your home. There are limitless ways you can put this extra space to use, including entertaining friends and family (as we have already discussed), an outdoor seating space where you can fit your outdoor furniture, and a nice place to dry off after a swim. With a deck addition to your home, you get a lot more space for a lot less money than, say, with a
Understanding Gazebos For Kitchener [Definition, Purpose & Construction Tips]

Gazebos provide a sheltered area in your garden or backyard where you can kick back and relax, enjoy some fresh air, and take in the beautiful sights of your lush, well-manicured garden. These structures can also be used as a focal point to amplify your property’s curb appeal. What Is A Gazebo? Gazebos are freestanding outdoor structures with a roof and open sides that are normally used for daytime shelter. You will find them commonly used as a serene place for reading and entertaining friends. They usually spot railings on the sides with an octagonal, hexagonal, or round shape. But the structures can also be constructed in a square shape, even though purists argue the square-shaped ones aren’t true gazebos. Gazebos can be movable, like the kits you can buy from big box hardware stores that you can assemble and take apart for reassembly later. Or they can be permanently anchored on concrete stumps. And even though they typically have open sides with railings, gazebos can be screened in to ensure better protection from insects. Common Materials Used In The Construction Of Gazebos Some of the finest gazebos in Kitchener are made out of wood, but there is a wide range of materials you can use with vinyl and wrought iron being the more popular ones. The roofing materials used for gazebos also vary quite widely with iron sheets, tiles, pine shingles, and thatch being some of the choices. The origins of gazebos can be traced back to ancient times. But while gazebos have fallen into popular use in Kitchener, people often mistake them for other outdoor structures, like pergolas and pavilions. Pergolas have open sides but with no roof, save for a latticed top, while pavilions are a lot similar to gazebos with the key difference being they are often larger and don’t have their own floor. Gazebo Construction Tips Where homeowners add a gazebo to their property, the intention is usually to provide an entertaining area that also serves as a focal point in your garden. But poor design and bad material choices can make the structure look out of place, defeating their original purpose. Here are a few tips to consider as plan your gazebo construction: Choose a style that’s in harmony with the main house’s architecture. If the style you choose for your gazebo doesn’t blend with the main house’s design, it can look contrived and out of place. The size of the gazebo must be proportional to the outdoor space it sits on. A large gazebo in a small backyard won’t look its best, no matter how well designed it is. Consider your hardscape choices wisely. The best, long-lasting gazebos sit on concrete or natural stone flows. It is a good idea to create a seamless look across the property by using the same hardscape materials used elsewhere, like on the driveway. Decorate tastefully but mind the structural integrity of the gazebo, too. Training vines around the gazebo can decorate and add shade that helps cool the gazebo, but be sure the plants don’t weigh down the gazebo’s roof or cause the pillars to rot, especially if they are made out of wood. Also, consider the effect of weeds. Once the summer will approach us, people will be spending more time outdoors than indoors, and a gazebo will be a great addition to your property. If you are considering adding a gazebo to your residential property, we would love to help. We have been constructing gazebos for clients for many years. Jay Fencing offers the finest gazebos in Kitchener. Check out some of our creations here. Otherwise, you can contact us here for a quote.
How To Clean And Protect Your Wooden Deck All Year-Round

Wooden decks provide an outdoor area where you can relax and entertain friends and family. The warm tones of the wood, set against the backdrop of a lush garden will add to the beauty of your property as a whole. But these decks come with the added responsibility of regular cleaning and maintenance to preserve their looks all year round. Regular cleaning and maintenance is also the best way to protect your investment as, without it, your wooden deck will fall apart pretty quickly. How To Clean Your Deck You may have come across advice that says to clean your wooden deck once a year. That’s not bad advice, but the cleaning referred to there is the deep cleaning, exfoliating kind. Otherwise, you should clean the deck regularly, removing dust, debris, and leaves. If you’re only going to clean once or twice a year, your wooden deck is going to look weathered and distressed. Wood is a natural material that needs to be cared for, especially if you live in areas of high humidity. Cleaning regularly, albeit not intensively, will prevent molding and moss growth, which are two sights you don’t want to see on your wooden deck. Regular cleaning may mean sweeping with a broom or leaf blower. Use a knife or small chisel to remove any dirt stuck between the deck boards. As you clean, check the deck’s general condition and structural stability so you can repair any damage before it gets worse. It is good to power-clean once a year. When it comes time for that power clean, here’s what to keep in mind: Avoid Using Power Washers Power washers can get the cleaning job done quickly and effectively. But in the hands of an unskilled person, the power washer can stress or damage the wood. If your decking is made out of soft cedar or pine wood, it’s best to avoid power washers. If you are to use a power washer to clean the deck, make sure to hold the washer’s nozzle at a slight angle and that you follow the direction of the wood grain as you clean. And always keep the nozzle moving. How To Clean A Deck Without A Power Washer There are alternatives to power washers that, while not as fast, are just as effective. For one, a garden hose with a hard-stream nozzle will get the cleaning job done nicely. For areas that are so dirty, you have to scrub, make sure to scrub along the grain of the wood. You can then rinse off with clean water, using a soft broom to sweep off the dirt. Use Non-Toxic Cleaning Solutions For wooden decks that are really dirty, you may be tempted to use tough chlorine bleaches in an attempt to lift stains. This is not advisable. While that may remove the stains, it may end up bleaching the wood and damaging its cell structure. Remember the environment, too. The fog or spray from chlorine-based cleaners may kill plants in your garden. An immaculate deck that sits beside wilting shrubs isn’t a pretty sight. A good, natural way to clean your deck is to use a vinegar and water solution. Combine one cup of white vinegar with a gallon of water. The solution will get rid of mold, mildew, and dirt on wooden surfaces without harming the environment. How To Maintain Your Wooden Deck After every intense clean, you should take the opportunity to stain and seal your deck. A sign that your deck may need recoating are areas where the wood is now bare. Constant exposure to the elements for bare wood causes oxidation, which is to blame for the grayish discoloration you see on some decks. Always make sure the deck is completely dry before you do any restoration or resealing. Before applying a sealer, give the deck a light sanding to ensure the seal is even across the deck. Use Oil-Based Finishes You have several choices for your deck’s finish. These include wood stain (opaque and semi-translucent), vanish, paint, and sealer. But our advice here is to opt for oil-based finishes that absorb into the wood. We prefer the sealers. Vanish and paint leave a film that will wear off in patches, especially in the high traffic areas. The challenge with these is you will need to sand the whole deck the next time you want to refinish it. To apply the sealer, use a roller or brush, going in nice even sweeps and following the grain of the wood. Avoid splashing the sealer all over as that will produce an uneven finish. Again, two thin coats are better than one thick one. Protect Your Wooden Deck During Winter Canadian winters are brutal. And if not protected, your deck is going to suffer both structural damage and cosmetic deterioration. Wood that’s constantly damp is more likely to discolor, split, or rot when it finally dries. As winter approaches, it is advisable to cover the wooden deck with plastic sheeting to ensure moisture does not seep into the wood. Admittedly, with Canada’s long winters, this is only ever going to be mildly effective. Another good tip is to shovel off all heavy snow build-up with a shovel. But use a plastic shovel and always shovel along the boards and in the direction of the grain. For Heavy Repair Work, Call In The Experts As you do your regular cleaning and maintenance, we have already advised checking for any structural damage. This is important as a deck that is not structurally stable may collapse, which makes it a safety risk. There are signs that tell you a deck may need a professional repair crew. Some may also be beyond repair, with a new deck being the only option. Here are signs to look for: Warping and signs of insect damage on the boards, Rotting posts, Softwood and loose screws on the joists, Rotten and water damaged rails, A ledger board that has detached from the main structure. Generally, the
Driveway Gates Guide – Get Both Form And Function Right

What do you consider when deciding on a driveway gate for your new home or renovation project? Many people choose form over function. After all, the driveway gate is what visitors to your home see and interact with first. So it is excusable that you will put greater thought into how the gate looks over how it functions. When you consider the purpose of a driveway gate, though, it is clear function matters as much as the appearance. This guide looks at the various considerations for a gate that appeals to both functionalists and aesthetes. What To Consider When Selecting a Driveway Gate #01. Security If you’re an aesthete, a good driveway gate is one that looks good and complements the design of the house. But at Jay Fencing , we are big on security. A good gate must protect the property first, meaning it must secure your family and everything that sits on the property. You have to consider the strength and stability of the gate itself. How hard is it for criminals to breach it, what materials is it made of, how high is it …? Generally, steel and wrought iron make strong secure gates. Depending on their design, wooden gates are quite secure, too. Of course, you also have to consider the gate’s attachment as well, for a driveway gate is only as secure as the posts of piers that hold it in place. #02. Accessibility: Manual Or Automatic? Important is your choice between a manual and an automatic gate, too. In most cases, manually operated driveway gates are only as secure as the level of crime in your neighborhood. For a gate to be secure, it must lock well and be safe and easy to operate, opening and closing swiftly. Automatic gates, though more expensive, have many great advantages. But you must pay particular attention to the gate’s implications on the safety of young children and pates. To bump up the security and functionality of your automatic driveway gates, consider the different accessories available. There are intercoms, magnetic locks, vehicle and motion detection sensors, programmable timers, and remote entry. An automatic driveway gate that gives you hands-free access when opening and closing the gate is desirable, especially when driving. #03. The Architecture Of The House A good driveway gate spots a design that complements the design of the house it secures. You want a driveway gate that looks as good as the house it frames. Beyond that, a good looking gate will boost the property’s curb appeal and give it good resale value. Beyond the architecture of the house, consider the landscaping and the style of the fencing. Look to create a cohesive look for the property as a whole by choosing materials and a gate design that matches your landscaping and design of the house. #04. The Slope Of The Driveway If your home sits on a hill and the driveway has a steep slope, the choice between a sliding and a swing gate is taken away from you. A single swing gate will be impractical. If the driveway slopes into the property and the slope isn’t too steep, a bi-swing gate may still work, though. Otherwise, a sliding gate will be your only choice. You may want to ask, which side should the gate open? Unless you have the advantage of ample space outside your gate, in most jurisdictions gates are supposed to open inwards. You wouldn’t your gate to obstruct and endanger the safety of pedestrians. Look up your local city codes for the best guidance on this. #05. Budget Other considerations aside, the type of driveway gate you choose, including the materials, design, and means of access and operation ultimately depend on your budget. The most secure and best-looking gates will cost more than the basic, moderately secure driveway gates. If you’ve decided on an automatically operated driveway gate, there is the additional cost of the automated system itself. Add landscaping costs and you can end up with a big bill to settle. To avoid headaches, decide how much you can afford to spend and then work backward. Jay Fencing is a top installer of both commercial and residential driveway gates in Kitchener, Waterloo, Toronto, Mississauga, Hamilton and all over Ontario. Our experts have many experience experience many types of driveway gates. Contact us for a free quote.
Choose Chain Link Fencing For Your Commercial Property In Toronto. Here’s Why

In this article, we will show you why chain link fencing is the right way to present and secure your commercial property in Toronto. Where we have erected them around public facilities and commercial property, chain link fences have enhanced security and allowed property owners to concentrate on their core operations. To prove that chain link fences are a superior choice over wood and other types of fencing, we will discuss five of their top benefits. Let’s dive right in: Benefits of Chain Link Fencing for Commercial Properties #01. A reliable barrier against thieves and stray animals Not surprisingly, one of the main reasons why commercial property owners in Toronto choose any type of fencing is for the security it provides. What they also realize is that some fences are secure and more reliable than others. Because chain link fences can be quite high, they are a much safer option. The fences are also effective at keeping stray animals out of your property as only the smallest rodents can get through their small holes. #02. An adaptable choice Where you suddenly feel a need to increase security around your business premises or office, you can easily add post extenders to your pre-existing chain-link fence. This will add height and make it difficult for people to climb over the fence. Fence extenders can angle in or out depending on whether you want to keep people in or out. By angling the fence extension inwards you make it much harder for people to climb over the fence from within the property. Angling the extension outwards keeps thieves and intruders out. #03. Chain link fences are highly durable Easy to install, chain link fences are also highly durable. You can rely on them to provide security and an effective barrier from intruders for many years after installation. But the strength of the fence depends on the gauge you choose. With 13-gauge being the lightest, for commercial properties, the 6-gauge wire is the recommendation because the wire is thick, so it provides the best security. The size of the wire mesh’s holes is also a marker for the fence’s strength and durability. As with the wire gauge, the smaller the number, the stronger the fence will be. In this case, the number stands for the size of the hole, which ranges from 3/8inches to 2 ⅜ inches. The smaller, 3/8inch hole produces a tighter, more secure fence. #04. Minimal maintenance required Chain link fences hardly need any maintenance. Seeing that they are also very durable, this makes them a cheaper option. Wooden fences, for example, need repainting almost every year. If the paint is left to peel off, the wood will rot from all the moisture soaking in. Another attribute of chain link fences is they can be and are usually protected against rust. This significantly extends the fence’s service life. Even galvanized steel, which is considered the least protected can last many years before you see any rust. Vinyl and powder coatings are the most protective. They will ensure greater durability for your chain link fence. #05. A smart and professional look Any commercial entity that wants to be competitive will care about its image. This entails making sure its facilities, buildings, and fences look well-kempt and professional. Chain link fences will give your commercial property a smart and professional look that requires very little effort to maintain. Depending on the design you choose, your chain link fence can also distinguish your business and set you apart from your neighbors and competitors. Jay’s Fencing has many years’ experience installing chain link fences on commercial properties around Toronto. We have fences that have been standing proudly and securing properties for many years with hardly any maintenance. Contact us with your requirements.
5 Important Questions To Ask Your Fencing Company in Toronto

Are you planning on erecting a fence around your residential property? In this article, we will discuss the important questions you must ask your fencing company in Toronto before hiring them. Hire the wrong fencing contractor and you may be setting yourself up for disputes and costs you can’t recover. Perhaps the first question to ask should be to yourself: Should I do it myself? The common advice is to let a professional fencing company do it. You will probably be OK repairing a broken part of the fence on your own. But putting up the fence from scratch involves a lot of technical work. There are also by-laws to satisfy. After all, is considered, there is just so much to stay on top of, which can be costly to rectify if mistakes are made. Hire a properly licensed fencing company, of which there are many in Toronto. The following are questions you should ask your shortlisted fencing contractors: Do you have experience with this type of fence? The type of fence you want to install should guide your choice of Toronto fencing company. It is important that the company has experience with that type of fence. It’s even better if the fencing company specializes in that type of fence. Different fencing materials require people with specific skills, like woodworkers for wood fences and welders for chain link fences. A good idea is to also ask the fencing contractor what type of fence they would recommend for your property. Ask why they recommend that specific fence/material. The answers should help you decide if this is a company that knows what it’s doing. What fencing by-laws apply in my neighborhood? Good fencing contractors must know what by-laws apply in the areas they service. Ask your prospective fencing company if there are any by-laws that place restrictions on the type of fence you need installed. If a permit is required, ask if the fencing company will pull the permits or whether you have to do this yourself. Do you have a portfolio of completed residential fencing projects? Yes, even the big, established fencing contractors in Toronto started with that one client that took a chance on them. But you’re the one who will be saddled with the added bill in corrections should the work not be done to the expected standards. You shouldn’t be the one to pay for their experience. Ask the fencing contractor to show you a portfolio of projects they have successfully delivered in the last few months. Ask specifically to check the work they have done recently as this will give you an idea of how busy they are. The better fencing companies will be the busier ones. It helps to look them up online and check reviews by former clients on sites like the Better Business Bureau. Do you offer warranty protection? Any fencing contractor worthy of any consideration must be prepared to stand behind their work. The very minimum they can do is to guarantee their services. As part of this, research the company to see how long they have been in business and what their record honoring warranties is like. If the company is not prepared to guarantee their services, move on to the next one on your shortlist. There are other important questions you should ask the fencing company. You will ask if they will provide an itemized quote and invoice, whether they will sub-contract any of the work, and if they have service liability and worker insurance. Lastly, if the answers to all these questions have been satisfactory, ask for their website and physical office addresses. If possible, go and sign the contract from their office and be satisfied that the setup there is professional. Jay Fencing is an awarded, highly experienced fencing company serving clients in Kitchener-Waterloo, Toronto and the GTA. We design and build fences, decks, gates, gazebos, pergolas, and other residential and commercial installations. Contact us with your requirements.
The Right Fence makes Your Property More Alluring

Reliable Fence Installation in Waterloo. Modern homes and building styles feature diverse design styles. Typically, these days, they prefer clean lines with little ornamentation, with an emphasis on function and minimalism. Naturally, when you have a modern style property, it makes sense to have a fence that matches. Wooden Fencing Wood has always been a preferred material for all construction jobs. Wooden and ornate wrought iron fencing styles are ideal for your home. Discover different applications of both wood and wrought iron fences, and discuss your options with your fencing contractor. Wooden fences are commonly made of cedar and other wood species that are resistant to rot. For your cottage, you will want to leave the wood unpainted, but staining your wooden fence to bring out natural grains is ideal for added curb appeal. Typically, fencing contractors prefer wood for making fences. The standard wooden fence consists of planks attached vertically to rails that would work well with a contemporary home. To have a modern update on the privacy fence, you can consider having the planks attached horizontally. If you wish, the contractors can even create a wave effect with the boards. This can create a pleasing effect of light and shadow that adheres to the style-driven tenets of modern architecture. You can even get your contractors to upgrade the fence with shelves and lights. Vinyl Fencing A preferred material these days for fencing is vinyl with more people preferring it over wood because of its advantages. For one, it requires little to no maintenance – you can clean it with a water hose. In addition, vinyl is also very durable and never cracks or splits. Vinyl fencing many times looks close to wood. Even its panels come in similar picket constructions as if you had a wooden fence built. You could install vinyl fencing in one of the above styles. Another contemporary option is having the rails and pickets in different colours. For instance, you could have white posts and rails encompassing brown pickets. Wrought Iron Fencing If your home boasts of stonework, a classic fence around your home is one way to bring out the natural allure of the stonework and delicate designs that make up your home’s charm. Wrought iron fencing is a classic material, but today advances in manufacturing give it a contemporary spin. Modern wrought iron is manufactured with steel or aluminum tubes, instead of hand-wrought pieces. This construction gives your fencing a sleek styling and also fits with modern architecture. When choosing wrought iron for your modern house, it is recommended to stay away from the ornamentation details. You could instead, opt for straight rails and pickets. You could consider having the top of your wrought iron fence finished with a double rail. Also consider having circles included between the rails, which add another pleasant shape. Not only is wrought iron fencing extremely durable, but it is also available in a variety of styles and designs. While it doesn’t offer much privacy, it does offer ample security as the fence is very hard to destroy or climb over especially if you choose spear pickets for your posts. Chain Link Fencing On the other end of the spectrum, chain link fencing is one of the most modern types. As a bonus, it also tends to be budget-friendly. For a modern house, you could emphasize the shapes in the fencing by choosing chain link that’s either coated with vinyl or powder-coating to make it black. Because of the natural element in contemporary design, you have a couple of different options with chain link fencing. One is to choose a chain-link fence that’s green, brown, or another naturalistic colour so that it fades into the background. You could also mix materials, with the posts and rail made out of wood with the chain link strung in between. Cable Rail Fence If you don’t prefer a tall fence, a cable rail fence is very attractive for any style of home. The fence typically consists of cable wires strung between posts with a rail on top. At the same time, you would probably choose metal for the posts and rail for a modern fence. Cable rail mixes very well with wood or look-alike posts and nicely complements a modern house. Cable rail fence offers a two-fold elegance. For one, the posts and rail create regular squares, which speak to modern design. Secondly, the cable rails virtually disappear in the sightline. This nicely allows the view to show through, especially if you omit the top rail. Picket Fence A picket fence is a short fence that is more decorative than it is secure. If you want to fence your property for aesthetic reasons and don’t want to hide the beauty of your landscape, choose a picket fence (in varying post heights for charm) for your yard’s project. Designing ornamental pickets The tips of your fence’s pickets can be designed in almost any fashion. Arrow-shaped pickets are among the most popular styles, although you can choose rounded, squared, or other styles of picket toppers to give your ornamental wrought iron fence unique appeal. Adding a fence around your home adds curb appeal and helps give your property an organized appearance. Also consider other styles of fence to consider including aluminum, chain link, and vinyl fencing – check with your contractors before making a final decision. Schedule a consultation with one of our experts today.