An heirloom wooden table, dresser, or rocking chair can all be restored to look as good as new and ready for the next generation. All it needs is a lick of paint or varnish. But there...
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When you buy a home, one of the great investments you can make to your property is installing a fence around it. Homeowners with children and pets know the importance of fencing their properties. You have probably heard that...
When choosing a fence for your suburban property, between looks and security, what do you consider to be most important? At Jay Fencing, we believe you don’t have to sacrifice curb appeal for security, or vice versa. The right...
Fencing in Kitchener: Do I Need My Neighbour’s Permission Before Fencing My Property? When you erect a fence around your residential property in Kitchener, not too often do you envisage a conflict with your neighbors. Your intentions with the...