By-law Summary: Fencing Rules and Regulations for Fencing in Cambridge
When considering a fence project or an enclosure around your pool, don’t get caught with by-law complaints leading to costs for re-work or fines on your fences. Jay Fencing is your expert advisor on planning and installing by-law-compliant perimeters. For residents who aren’t sure about whether their existing fence is by-law compliant, feel free to contact us for more information. The information provided is a summary of key items and is in no way a substitute for an actual review of by-laws on property maintenance which may be found here.
Cambridge By-Laws Resources Relating to Fencing
Once your fencing or pool project is complete, the last thing you want is to be served a notice of by-law infraction. This may lead a homeowner to have to pay for additional materials and labour to comply with city by-laws. The following content is a summary of key by-law related documents:
If you are planning a fence project in Cambridge it is highly encouraged that you review the by-law or engage with a knowledgeable service provider to ensure your project is compliant.
Getting Started with Fencing for Swimming Pools & Hot Tubs
There are many factors to consider when endeavoring to be by-law compliant. Here are four quick facts that you should know before getting started.
- A copy of a survey (plot plan) showing the location of the pool on the site and its distance from all other structures and property lines.
- A simple description of the pool (in-ground or above ground).
- A diagram of the type of protection (fence) you will be constructing around the pool or hot tub.
- An application (obtainable from the Planning Services Department, 73 Water Street North, 3rd floor, Cambridge Place).
Summary of By-Law for Fences Enclosing Pool or Hot Tub
- Fences must be at least 1.5 metres.
- Chain linked fences are permitted provided they meet regulations.
- Be aware of the different regulations for above ground and in-ground pools.
- For wood fences, a lattice for top portion is permitted provided they meet regulations.
- Save on materials of your fence by using an existing dwelling, building, or accessory building, or part thereof, to enclose your pool.
- Make sure hot tubs have a tight fitted cover with a locking device or are protected with a 1.5 m minimum high fence.
- Ensure there are no climbable objects or apparatuses. In such cases, your fence must be 1.5 metres higher than the climbable object or apparatus to meet standards.
Key Items: Fences that do not Enclose Pools or Hot Tubs
For fences that do not guard pools/hot tubs, no permit is required by the city. There are, however, rules stipulating the height, location, and type of fence permitted. The by-law can be framed in the perspective of residential and commercial/industrial stipulations, based on applicable zoning by-law.
Commercial, Industrial, Institutional
- Barbed wire and snow fencing are permitted for protection of property.
- A machine generating electric current to project or used in conjunction to a fence is permitted only for farm fences in agricultural zones.
- Generally, if a fence is located in the back of a building the maximum height is 2.4 metres.
- For fences located between front lot and building line the maximum height is 2.4 metres.
Residential (based on by-law zoning)
- Barbed wire is prohibited as a form of fencing.
- Snow fencing is allowed but is not to be permanently placed.
- Generally, if a fence is located in the back of a building the maximum height is 2.1 metres.
- For fences located between front lot and building line the maximum height is 0.9 metres.
Common Rules
- For corner lots, fences may be permitted to be erected up t0 2.1 metres unless it is within the corner of the property where it may only stand up to 0.75 metres.
There are instances in which you may have a just cause in installing a fence that does not comply with by-laws. These situations may be reviewed and in some cases, City Council may approve modified fences.
Resources for Fencing
The following are some resources provided by the city of Cambridge to help you plan and apply for requisite permits.
Pool Requirement for public
Pool Commitment Form
Fence-By-law 92-05
Fence By-law Amendment Application Form
Pool Permit Application
Jay Fencing Frees You from Dealing with Fencing Rules and Regulations
Having worked with clients who owned properties of all shapes and sizes, we have the understanding and practical know-how to ensure great looking fences that meet by-laws in Cambridge. Here is what others have said about Jay Fencing:
The best way to determine which fencing option is right for you is to reach out to Jay Fencing Ltd. Let Jay Fencing deal with the fine print and by-laws while you focus on your business and family, all at the very best value. With Jay Fencing you can expect these services every time we serve you:
- Careful consideration of community requirements.
- Personal and property security.
- Privacy for your family as we construct your project.
- Protected play zone for children and pets.
- Over 28 years of experience delivering quality service to our clients.
We service customers everywhere from Stratford to Brantford, Mississauga to Fergus, and everywhere in between. Book a consultation today and Jay Fencing can help you pick the right perimeter for your property.
Note: For alignment with specific municipal conventions the spelling of by-law or by-law may be used.